
主题:【原创】说说央视主持人“洋垃圾”“洋泼妇”的微博 -- 一着

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说中国人“bigot and raicist”的

(作者id隐去)99 points 2 years ago*

My wife is Chinese and I'm in a math department. So I'm around actual Chinese citizens alot.

Few things to keep in mind. First generation Chinese community is an insular one. If you don't talk with Canadians you are not going to be loved. If you don't make honest attempts to speak English you are not going to be loved. So that means if you've been here 20 years and you can barely speak it you are an asshole and aren't going to be liked. If I went to China to live I wouldn't just associate with English speakers.

To address your comments...

Chinese people are terrible drivers

Chinese (from China) ARE horrible drivers!!! It's quite understandable because they generally don't follow the rules of the road and are often first or second generation drivers. It's a recipe for disaster. Of my Chinese friends born and raised here there is no issue because they could always learn from people who knew how to drive.

Chinese people are taking over Toronto

That's subjective with a bit of truth to it. Chinese are a large proportion of the population relative to other minorities. Also unfortunately Chinese Torontonians seem to follow a different set of laws. China town and P-Mall sells bootlegs but if any other ethnicity blatantly does this they will be busted. China town is dirty as hell as well what's up with that? Also the vendors on the street often park themselves on the sidewalk at the insersection WTF? Why are these things not enforced? These BS things give the impression that Chinese are taking over.

How do Chinese people even see with those tiny squinty eyes?

My chinese wife has big eyes (for a Chinese person). One of her friends from university had eyes so narrow it looked like she was permanently squinting. I think for some people it's a valid question. White people will stop this joke when both stereotypes of white people can't dance or jump stop.

Oh and

But in the last 4 or 5 years, it seems like I am constantly hearing comments such as

They've always been there... you've just started to pay attention.

Anyways lets face it Chinese people on average are some of the most racist and bigoted people in the world. I bet you that you could tell us stories of how your parents or their friends call white people lazy, or how black people are dirty... and we won't even get started on the Japanese.

edit oh and one more thing. Chinese restaurants. Almost always dirty and don't follow health codes. Why aren't they routinely shut down?


(作者id隐去)46 points 25 days ago

I thought I heard that almost nobody in China even knows about him, because of censorship. Is that true?


(作者id隐去)49 points 25 days ago

I have been to China - it is true. Not only did next to no one know who he was, many had NO IDEA WHAT HAD OCCURRED in Tiananmen Square. I spent over a year in Beijing and six months in Shanghai. Some people, when confronted and told about the massacre, dismissed it as American propoganda.


(作者id隐去)50 points 25 days ago

i was watching a documentary on the tankman/tianenmen square and it's scary how afraid the chinese are of their government. china's censored all mentionings of the incident although some people know about it and keep quiet so that they won't be hauled off to god knows where by the government. 5 chinese university students were interviewed about the tankman and were shown the tankman picture and all of but one of them had no idea what the picture meant, where it was taken and what was going on except for one of them who was too scared to admit he knew but the microphones caught him whispering to the girl next to him '1989'.


(作者id隐去)2 points 25 days ago

I find it very interesting that this comes out on a day when the Chinese president essentially said that their only hope in the future is to disarm America through mutual beneficial economic alignment. Its almost like this is supposed to make us fear China, when they are really trying to reach out and make peace with us and get rid of the old militaristic mentalities. (http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/NE09Ad01.html)

After all, our military shot a bunch of unarmed college students at around the same time. We've also, aside from the many mistreatments of our own citizens, gone into other countries uninvited and destroyed, maimed and tortured sovereign citizens. I mean, we're way worse then China on an international scale.


[–](作者id隐去) 23 points 25 days ago

I assume you're talking about Kent state.

That was almost two decades before The 1989 protests.

Second the Kent State shootings were probably an accident or at worst carried out by someone low on the totem poll, not the same as driving army tanks through a public square to disperse protest

Third, and most important the Tiananmen Square protest are largely censored in China, like totally censored. You can find out about most lapses in ethics by the US government in history books.

The chinese government has tight controls on the media inside their country, in the US you can publish whatever you want. You may believe "we're way worse than china" because simply things are harder to cover up within the United States.


[–](作者id隐去) 3 points 25 days ago

It's true about censoring the Tiananmen Square, when I was there a member of my tour group was approached by someone and asked if it had really happened. They were assured that there was very famous footage of the bravery displayed there.


[–](作者id隐去) 0 points 25 days ago

Driving a tank isn't further up the totem pole than being a grunt, it's just a different MOS.


[–](作者id隐去) -13 points 25 days ago*

Well, we're talking about something that was over 20 years ago, so I figured 20 years before that was still in the same time frame of history. Since we're talking about it.

And Kent state, seems worse in my mind aside from the censorship. But its not like we dont have our own version of media control and manipulation in America. And then of course the 'way worse' is easy to compare in wars of agression over the last 30-40 years.

Sure we have some freedoms (for now), but we are still tyrants on a global scale.

EDIT: And by Kent state being worse in my mind - I mean the student in China were giving MANY warning and requests to clear out. They KNEW what they were getting in to. They KNEW the consequences of their actions and voted, yes voted, to do it anyways. I honor that and feel it was brave and important. By comparison the Kent state students did not expect to be fired on that day. Nor did the many civil rights protestors that had faced similar. Neither did the OWS protestors who have been hospitalized and jailed. We have these laws, and then we ignore them at a whim. (source on warnings: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiananmen_Square_massacre)


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