
主题:居住在心胸的两个灵魂--评中国政府的缅甸策略 -- 种植园土

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家园 我们already赔了夫人又折兵

no need to cover up the stupidity of those political elites back in China.

1. There is no coordination, thus no consistent strategy on important geopolitical issues. America realized that problem, therefore, there is a National Security Council to coordinate all agencies as well as the public and private sector efforts. China has none. China does not even know when to use public sector intervention and when to use private sector force.

2. Up till now, the best strategists are mostly British. Chinese elites have not carefully learned their tricks when dealing with the neighboring Asian nations. 一帮饭桶坐在高位 in the foreign affairs depart., lots of positions are filled by people with blood connection or marriage.

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