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奥巴马今天签署法律(Funding law),禁止政府机构,购买任何来自中国的电讯设备。

即使这些设备是由其他国家生产,只要包括中国生产的原件,都要经由联邦调查人员审核认定设备没有危害,方可tentative的购买。在这个240页的的法案中,指名道姓的说就是针对中国,指控中国长期盗窃美国的机密和知识产权。按照这个法律,有高达1290亿美元的进口中国产品涉嫌“Advanced technology product”.



US bans Chinese technology for government departments



By Reuters

Posted on 28 Mar 2013 at 09:18

US Congress quietly tucked in a new cyber-espionage review process for US government technology purchases into the funding law signed this week by President Barack Obama, reflecting growing American concerns over Chinese cyber attacks.

The law prevents NASA, and the Justice and Commerce Departments from buying information technology systems unless federal law enforcement officials give their approval.

The assessment must include "any risk associated with such system being produced, manufactured or assembled by one or more entities that are owned, directed or subsidised" by China.

The United States imports about $129 billion worth of "advanced technology products" from China, according to a May 2012 report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei urged the United States to abandon the law to help develop relations and trust on both sides.

"This bill uses internet security as an excuse to take discriminatory steps against Chinese companies. It is not beneficial to mutual trust between China and the United States nor to the development of trade and economic relations," Hong said.

The amendment to the so-called "continuing resolution" to fund the government through 30 September originated in the Commerce, Justice and Science subcommittee of the House of Representatives, chaired by Virginia Republican Representative Frank Wolf.

Depending on how the language is interpreted, it could in fact apply very broadly to many companies across the IT industry from all around the world

It had gotten little attention until a blog post this week by Stewart Baker, a partner in the Washington office of Steptoe & Johnson LLP and a former assistant secretary in the US Department of Homeland Security.

The federal government's purchases, which are funded by taxpayers' money, are often urged to give preference to vendors that offer the cheapest services.

The congressional aide said China may heavily subsidise some companies to present the US market with a much lower price.

"It's a helpful reminder to look at the supply chain" of US firms, the aide said. "The cheap option may be artificially lowered because potentially there are ulterior motives."

Lenovo concerns

Baker wrote that the measure "could turn out to be a harsh blow" for Chinese computer-maker Lenovo and also "bring some surprises for American companies selling commercial IT gear to the government."

Lenovo, which is now on track to become the world's largest PC maker, said it was aware of the bill and reviewing the specific language.

"Depending on how the language is interpreted, it could in fact apply very broadly to many companies across the IT industry from all around the world," Lenovo said in an emailed statement.

"We are very confident and comfortable that we will continue to be very successful in growing our business in the US even as we and all of our competitors navigate new regulations."

US concern about Chinese cyber-attacks has mounted in recent months, with top officials, including President Barack Obama, vocally condemning the practice.

Public criticism

Obama raised the issue in a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping earlier this month, and told ABC News in an interview that some cyber-security threats are "absolutely" sponsored by governments.

"We've made it very clear to China and some other of the state actors that, you know, we expect them to follow international norms and abide by international rules," he said.

Xi said the United States and China should avoid making "groundless accusations" against each other about cyber-security and work together on the problem.

The exchange came after US computer security company Mandiant said a secret Chinese military unit based in Shanghai was the most likely driving force behind a series of hacking attacks on the United States.

Last year, the House Intelligence Committee released a report urging US telecommunication companies not to do business with Huawei Technologies and ZTE because it said potential Chinese state influence on the companies posed a threat to US security.

Both companies took issue with the report, which Huawei spokesman William Plummer called "baseless".

Plummer said in an email their reading of the bill is that it "does not apply to Huawei based on the description of covered entities."

ZTE officials declined to comment on the latest US law, while Huawei officials were not available for comment.



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