
主题:【原创】围绕脑科学而发生的若干玄想 -- 鸿乾

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家园 如果你能站立在波涛滚滚的海面上

that would be those super smarty 生物's智慧

an example: mao basically managed to 站立在波涛滚滚的class struggle 海面上, and we all know what happened to those others struggling below/above 海面 under mao's feet;

most of us=those others struggling below/above 海面, and most likely under someone's feel


we=swimming system, and 海=system's environment/heat bath, and we exchange energy/information with海, and because of 海's 作用 on us, we 扭曲, 曲线, otherwise we would be "a straight line", and our mind/body 经典力学物理特征尺度, our mouse, nose, eyes are pretty much @the 浪花一朵朵尺度, we often suffer from choking, but overall we survive


those 浪花一朵朵 etc=environment,heat bath, 基本平衡的大海'的熵, if @non-平衡的大海, we would not be able to see and come back to the shore again, most likely

"系统在绝对温度零度时存在基础状态,所以熵就是它基础状态的简并态。有许多系统,如晶格点阵就存在一个唯一的基础状态,所以它在绝对温度零度时的熵为零。(因为ln(1) = 0)。"






3. if 基本平衡的大海 is like 晶格点阵就存在一个唯一的基础状态,所以它在绝对温度零度时的熵为零, that would be beautiful, our natural brain can handle it easily

that is pretty much our physics when we drive a car in a busy city, we all can handle it;

4. unlike #3, our social environment =波涛滚滚的海面


when our social environment is a junior 引力场, after some training and with a good leader, we can handle those 浪花一朵朵 with its 尺度@ about our 物理特征尺度, meaning our mouse, nose, eyes are pretty much @ 浪花一朵朵尺度, and we can handle them, at local;

and at local, we 应接不暇, but feeling great, feeling we 找到了组织, 真理 etc, although in actuality we have only found tons of the big system's熵 with its all kind of 简并态, almost with zero value, so we are swimmer, not leader

for a leader, he needs to know the physics of 大海@平衡 and non 平衡 , to really lead those swimmers out of

大海 for a at least a brief break on the shore

again @local, our brain 物理特征尺度=pretty 热物理特征尺度, not much smarter than our mouse, nose, eye, with all 物理作用 has to be regulated by SR, and they are local per SR

for leaders: GR is a must

sometimes our social junior 引力场 turns into a senior 引力场, then some of us will never come out of 海面 anymore, they become a part of 引力场海, and 4 ever


at 4.1, in social 引力场, we work very hard, but not really getting any information other than 熵, with a lot of 信息重复语言重复,郭美美, 美美郭,etc, a lot of Chinese 熵 garbage made particularly for Chinese swimmers

app: now we know that a reasonably free sina weibo kind of social media is actually good for sysadm such as tg, 治大国如烹小鲜;

for usa: it is more of market 治大国如烹小鲜, to get the energy/resource out of those weak/stupid 小鲜, and reallocate to those strong/smart/hopefully innovators;

5. how to 站立在波涛滚滚的海面上?

for tg system: you want to have your own 墨办, if you can't figure out how to have a 墨办, then follow those who have got a 墨办, so tg's system 测度=1 中央测度

for usa: in addition to 墨办, you could have 墨 models (such as a customized Verlinde's 全息屏), and possibly a couple of other options, such as sports, religion, etc, USA system wants to select a possible group of leaders from a as competitive (smart) and as diverse (to hedge when some smart=fake) as possible pool of swimmers, because you never know what the next 大海 ahead of you is gong to look like, until you get hit by its 波涛滚滚

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