
主题:“胶囊高铁”是未来超高速轨道交通的正确方向 -- 陈经

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家园 这是單循環和複合循環的不同

傳統的電廠, 受限於蒸汽特性, 蒸汽輪機不能用無限升温來提高效率, 單靠超臨界蒸汽輪機只能有45~48%, 燃氣輪機更只得35~42%, 不過燃氣輪機的工作温度可以比蒸汽輪機高得多, 使用複合循環的電廠(combine cycle plane)能用燃氣輪機的尾氣來加熱蒸汽, 令总温差大增, 总效率达55~60%, 在2004年Baglan, S. Wales首先达到60%

以上資料來自我的大學課本, 不算公開刊物, 大家要進一步查証有點難度, 以下附上維基的相关條目



In general in service Combined Cycle efficiencies are over 50 percent on a lower heating value and Gross Output basis. Most combined cycle units, especially the larger units, have peak, steady state efficiencies of 55 to 59%. Research aimed at 1370°C (2500°F) turbine inlet temperature has led to even more efficient combined cycles and nearly 60 percent efficiency has been reached in the combined cycle unit of Baglan Bay, a GE H-technology gas turbine with a NEM 3 pressure reheat boiler, utilising steam from the HRSG to cool the turbine blades. Siemens AG announced in May 2011 to have achieved a 60.75% net efficiency with a 578 megawatts SGT5-8000H gas turbine at the Irsching Power Station.[6]

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