
主题:怎么撤退? -- zhuhit

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家园 温相也是让我佩服啊, ha,so sarcastic!

Do not forget where he is from. Wait to see another bank bad debt explosion from Tang Shan, Heibei and TJ.

江浙等地已经成为了国内坏账的爆发地--do not exclude Northern China too!!


-- the repetition of the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis, isn't it? haha. 秦人不暇自哀,而后人哀之;后人哀之而不鉴之,亦使后人而复哀后人也.

怎么撤退--you asked a very stupid question. No offense. My smart friends have already prepared for it in early 2012. You are too late.

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