主题:有人说下最近香港的事吗? -- 谢家堂前

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家园 极权测度是"人类社会内化交易成本的一种尝试"


"美国中央政权的长期弱势与腐败" kind of "promoted" the growth of us financial 测度 system, in a way, as you said.

culturally and historically, Germany, Russian, and possibly Italy's authoritarian or state-oriented system


English, and US as an English colony to start, are more of democracy and market oriented "culture"?


with that "culture alliances" + Chinese traditional culture+ maxism=TG's 伟光正测度 of today


future is not on 伟光正测度 side

生产要素(financial capital and human talents are of increasingly more important than ever)国际流动=best possible mix of 生产要素 to achieve the highest possible 生產率=sustainable gdp growth


【86家钢铁企业负债超3万亿 疯狂扩张走到穷途末路】86家大中型钢铁企业总负债已超过3万亿,行业负债率达69.47%。破产,离钢铁业已经不远了?中国冶金工业规划研究院院长李新创说,也许用不了一年。钢铁业第一张倒下的多米诺骨牌,不是产能过剩,而是资金链断裂。


the 测度 challenge for TG/china

soviet union/Russia, china( 1child policy) are now in worse situation in terms of 人口/aging, compared to US, even vs. Europe? 伟光正测度 ("极权是人类社会内化交易成本的一种尝试")'s fundamental problem=zero hedge, if wrong, big bloody cost = market never likes " bubble测度"

伟光正测度 ("极权是人类社会内化交易成本的一种尝试")'s 2nd problem: society (kind of like a quantum/介观物理 system) with 极权=完全有序, 序参量(0,1)=1, 熵值=0, energy/resource's flow not diffusive but in one direction of flowing into 极权, 民智下降生產率下降, 能量难以为继

伟光正测度 ("极权是人类社会内化交易成本的一种尝试")'s 3rd problem: 伟光正 folks/system 倾向于被包围, why? 伟光正 folks/system完全有序 system as such once breaking=相对论效应, 結合能转化释放 into huge profit for 周围的狼群looking for 剪羊毛, big time & bloody profit, eaten alive

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