
主题:就“杀光中国人”事件给国内同学的信 -- 红军迷

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家园 发声比不发声好。你不发声,你就继续受欺负、被无视。



1. First, it’s never about the kid. Like most of us, my outrage is not so much against the six-year old talking about killing all Chinese to avoid paying debt, even though it’s still quite disturbing for anyone of any age to say that. My outrage is against Jimmy Kimmel being so nonchalant about it, with a polite answer such as “it’s an interesting idea.” Even on a comedy show with kids involved, there is a way to tactfully rebuff, rather than condone, such a dangerous, even though childish, idea. But Mr. Kimmel chose to do the latter.

2. Secondly, Mr. Kimmel’s own behavior trampled on human decency, because it was seriously shocking when later in the episode he posed this question to the group of first graders: “Should we allow the Chinese to live?” This is way beyond the outer boundary of what should be allowed to be aired on TV, even if on a late night comedy show targeted at adults.

3. Some say don’t you have a sense of humor? My answer is no I don’t when humor is used to mask contempt for human lives and a lack of basic respect for the feelings of an entire ethnic group in America.

4. Some say it is only a late night comedy show. But remember this is the age of YouTube. These shows are accessible to everyone, kids and all. So do not pretend kids won’t be affected.

5. I’m a naturalized US citizen of Chinese descent. I love this country. That’s why it pains me to see such insensitivity and lack of judgment displayed by such an influential figure as Mr. Kimmel, even though a comedian, and by such a distinguished media organization as ABC.

6. Lastly, I grew up in China, where my parents and brother still live. The US and China may be at odds with each other on many issues, some very serious. But I do hope the two countries resolve them peacefully. Killing is no solution. Talking about killing, even jokingly, won’t help either. You may only be joking about it today, but condoning such sick jokes and broadcasting them on TV can come back to haunt us all in the future. For the sake of human decency and peace, I demand that Mr. Kimmel and ABC apologize and promise not to do it again.

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