
主题:选择被谁洗脑,这是个问题! -- 王小棉她妈

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家园 中国有用核武威吓过日本 ?

「中国不用核武器也可以毁灭日本军事野心和挑衅」 这句话算是核威吓日本 ? 而且还不是官方说出。

日本发展核武得借用中国传媒的话来做借口 ? 老兄平常很少看新闻吧 ?

Japan's Nuclear Plan Unsettles U.S.

By Jay Solomon and Miho Inada

May 1, 2013 7:29 p.m. ET

TOKYO—Japan is preparing to start up a massive nuclear-fuel reprocessing plant over the objections of the Obama administration, which fears the move may stoke a broader race for nuclear technologies and even weapons in North Asia and the Middle East.

The Rokkasho reprocessing facility, based in Japan's northern Aomori prefecture, is capable of producing nine tons of weapons-usable plutonium annually, said Japanese officials and nuclear-industry experts, enough to build as many as 2,000 bombs, although Japanese officials say their program is civilian.

网上 SB 嚷啥跟国策有个毛的关系,过过嘴炮瘾而已,这也不让人家过过嘴瘾 ?

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