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These industry tests analyzed the blood and urine chemistry of the same number of animals that Séralini used. But the tests were much shorter – 90 days267– meaning that they had no power to detect long-term effects. Séralini’s team commented that the statistical power of the Monsanto test on NK603 maize2was “extremely low” to conclude safety.”3


Those who dismiss Séralini’s experiment on grounds of statistical power must apply the same standards to the industry studies concluding safety for GMOs and show that these conclusions are reliable.



2:Hammond B, Dudek R, Lemen J, Nemeth M. Results of a 13 week safety assurance study with rats fed grain from glyphosate tolerant corn. Food Chem Toxicol.Jun 2004; 42(6): 1003-1014.

6:Hammond B, Lemen J, Dudek R, et al. Results of a 90-day safety assurance study with rats fed grain from corn rootworm-protected corn. Food Chem Toxicol.Feb 2006; 44(2): 147-160.

7:Hammond BG, Dudek R, Lemen JK, Nemeth MA. Results of a 90-day safety assurance study with rats fed grain from corn borer-protected corn. Food Chem Toxicol.Jul 2006; 44(7): 1092-1099.

3:Séralini GE, Mesnage R, Defarge N, et al. Answers to critics: Why there is a long term toxicity due to NK603 Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize and to a Roundup herbicide. Food and Chemical Toxicology.9 November 2012(这是回应各种对塞拉利昂实验的批评的一篇论文)


Séralini used ten rats per sex per group – the same number of animals as Monsanto analyzed for blood and urine chemistry in its 90-day tests claiming to show that GM foods are safe. This is the same number that the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recommends for a 90-day subchronic test of the type that Monsanto does on its GM foods, as well as for one of its chronic toxicity protocols. According to statistics experts, groups of this size are enough to show toxicity, but not enough to show safety. This means that industry toxicity studies on this number of rats that claim to show safety are inadequate.



另外以下是Prof Peter Saunders写的一篇支持塞拉利昂认为其数据站得住的一篇文章


Prof. Peter Saunders is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at King's College London and a leading expert in Mathematical Biology. His recent work has focused on modelling physiological control and finding the cause of Type II diabetes. He is a Vice-President of the UK Parliamentary and Scientific Committee.



Excess Cancers and Deaths with GM Feed: the Stats Stand Up



As soon as the paper appeared, the GM lobby swung into action. In particular, the Science Media Centre (SMC), a London-based organisation partly funded by industry, quickly obtained quotes from a number of pro-GM scientists and distributed them to the media [4]. According to a report in Times Higher Education [5], the SMC succeeded in influencing the coverage of the story in theUKpress and largely kept it off the television news.



The statistician Paul Deheuvels, a professor at the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris and a member of the French Academie des sciences, has now drawn attention to another serious error in the criticisms [7]: the complaint that Seralini used only 10 rats per group when the OECD guidelines [8] recommend 50 for investigations on carcinogenesis. Because the experiments did not follow the accepted protocol, their results, they argue, can be safely ignored.

法国统计学家保尔·德赫威尔斯(Paul Deheuvels),巴黎皮埃尔与玛丽居里大学教授以及法国科学院院士,现在指出对色拉里尼教授的批评中还存在另外一项严重错误[7]:抱怨色拉里尼教授对每组动物仅使用了10头鼠违反了“经济合作组织”(OECD)对致癌试验推荐的50头老鼠。他们提出,由于该项实验没有遵循普遍接受的规范,因此色拉里尼的结果可以安全地予以忽略。

In the first place, this was not a wilful disregard of the guidelines. The experiment was designed to test for toxicity, and for that the recommended group size is 10.


但是德赫威尔斯教授(Prof. Deheuvels)指出,色拉里尼教授团队使用了比致癌试验推荐的动物组头数少使试验的结果更为可信,而不是更少可信。这是因为,使用较少数量的老鼠实际上使得观察到任何影响的难度更高。在尽管数量较少的动物上观察到这种影响的事实是试验的结果更为严重。




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