
主题:最近看到的笑话之二 -- 钛豌豆

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家园 企业生命周期 - 猴群一样的商业过程...

多年前听过一个英语笑话。没能找到汉语版。试着翻译了一下,发现原味尽失。所以连原文也一起贴上来。 供大家一笑。

企业生命周期 - 猴群一样的商业过程...

1。 一个组织就像一棵爬满猴子的大树 - 在每层上猴子们爬来爬去。 上面的猴子往下看时看到的都是一个个笑脸。 而下面的猴子抬头看见的都是一群猴腚。

2。 在顶上的猴子们总是会最先摘取果实。 大多数时候顶上的猴子们总会拉一屁股屎来让下面的猴子们去擦。 实际上这也就是下面的猴子所能得到的一切。

3。 对于那些想爬到上面的猴子来说, 他们必须先大拍上面猴子的马屁才有可能升迁。 至于到底能爬多高,那得看他们拍马屁的能力。 如果在上面的猴子不拍马屁的话,那他早晚会被踢走!

4。 当大树遇到暴风骤雨的时候,上面某些树枝上的猴子会掉到下面的树枝上。 顺便把下面树枝上的猴子也一起望下砸,直到有些猴子掉到地上。 这就是那些被裁掉的员工。 为了避免掉下来的猴子闹事, 同时随着树枝一起掉下来的果实就作为补偿送给这些猴子。 这样大树就变得更轻, 生活也就恢复了正常。

Corporate Life Cycle - Monkey Business...

Part 1. An organization is like a tree full of monkeys - all on different levels, some climbing up. The monkeys on top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but assholes.

Part 2. All the time, the monkeys on the top will get the fruits first, and most of the time, they will eventually produce SHIT for all the monkeys below. And all the time, that's what the monkeys below will get.

Part 3. For those monkeys who are climbing up, they have to first kiss plenty of ass in order to move up. How high they climb, will have to depend on how good they kiss. And always if the one on top will not kiss any ass, his ass will get KICKED !!!

Part 4. During times of great difficulties and hardship, the monkeys on the top may fall a few branches down and hit the monkeys below. The monkeys below will be fallen upon and eventually some will fall off the tree, as in retrenched employees. As compensation these monkeys that fell off get to keep the fruits that were shaken off the tree during the commotion. The tree becomes lighter and life slowly returns to normal.

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