
主题:且不说高铁,中国又有什么可以拿的出手的意式咖啡机? -- forger

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家园 也是很多海外華人(>80million)共识



for example, many 海外華人 work for Indians during day time in US silicon valley etc, and they often feel upset and "insulted", and in the evening they work for TG, sometimes getting paid by doing "technology consulting (老美 FBI 防不勝防)" for Chinese mainland companies, most time working for free by writing 网文 of "偉光正中國".


TG top's 戰略錯失良機

too bad TG top have missed 中國邦聯 of 新加坡, tw around year 2000, likely forever, otherwise the world balance of power would have been totally changed, with china controlling Asian pacific market potentially, due to 中國邦聯 of 新加坡 and TW, and 很多海外華人of >80million.

小布什 almost destroyed US led "white world" during his term.

now, china is still a formidable global power, although it may have topped out in terms of china as a game changer.

among many reasons: in the emerging global 信息觀念經濟 and forever 物質生產過剩,中國的優勢/"毛林共識"品牌 may have topped out, with GFW killing Chinese companies in this emerging 信息觀念經濟 battle.

still, china as a 山寨 super power is almost killing everybody else.

why not?(:)

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