
主题:【原创+翻译】战争与痛苦(1) -- 夏至欧锦

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家园 战争与痛苦(3)

I heard the sound of their shoes treading the hallway fast. And soon the sound faded away.


Shocked, I froze in my place for a few seconds, we were still alive, that was good enough for me to think of right now. Sally and Majd were still hugging my legs so tight. I turned around and knelt on my knees trying to see their faces, which were yellow with fear but still the most beautiful thing I could ever lay my eyes on. I adore those tiny creatures more than my heart can bear. I hugged them tight and their breath calmed down along with the beating of my throbbing heart.


Oh God I missed my mother. She passed away a few months ago for a heart attack. Only when I became a mother I realized how great her love was for me, my only sister Leila and my two brothers, Yasser and Bilal. She was not just a mother. She was a well-known Arabic teacher in our town for her great methods that she used in teaching. Her students absolutely adored her. She was the glue that held the family all together. Such a great loving, caring, devoted mother, teacher, neighbor and simply just great at everything! I always kept her so close in my heart and would always feel so blessed that I had her as my mother. But…I missed her. Sometimes I missed her too much that tears would run down my cheeks in silence whenever I recalled her warm comforting smile, her sweet jasmine perfume, her voice, her scolding of me when I did something wrong as a kid. I missed her. If only she could be there for me now, telling me that all would be just fine.


But wait …no ..No matter how odd that might sound. I was relieved that she passed away in peace. I would have been extremely disturbed and worried if I knew that my mother was going through the hell I was going through then. At least she died in peace, knowing that her kids were safe and sound and happy with their families.


At such times, times of war and brutal violence, it was okay to get hurt or even died if you could only assure that your loved ones are safe. And there she was, my mother, safe in heavens and smiling down at me, telling me in a way or another that all would be fine somehow.


I picked up my kids, and trod out of my room as silently as I could. Then I called for Susan,

“ Susan, are you okay? Are you all okay”

“ yes, Rana, we are fine, what about your and the kids?” Susan’s answered me in whispers of fear and tiredness.

“ we are all okay. Have you seen Salem or your husband, Fadi, yet?” I asked worried.

“ no. I asked the soldiers about our husbands but they would not answer me. Good heavens, I hope nothing bad has happened to them” She answered.






Her words only got me more worried. But I dared not to go outside. My kids were stuck to me like a second skin and I would not risk having them in danger.

“ God, please please please Save Salem and Fadi” I repeated over and over in my heart. And then sat on the floor and wept my heart out. I did not want to be left alone in this madness.



Salem was a really good husband. He adored his kids and did all he could to afford us everything we wanted. We had our fights and disagreements, but at such times, all I had in mind was his good traits. I knew I could do the impossible to protect my kids, but in fact there was nothing I could do. It was too insane outside to do anything. Having Salem with me and my kids was a must!


“ God, please please please Save Salem and Fadi” was the prayer I kept repeating with the tears and the pain.


“ Rana, Susan…Are you okay? Are you all okay?” Fadi’s voice came from the yard outside, whispering loudly but firm and fine.


Finally, a sigh of relief and a smile of unmatched happiness were all I could do.


“ Yes we are. We are all fine. Are you all okay out there?” Susan asked worriedly.


“ yes we are, do not worry. The soldiers are all gone now. We will be inside in a few minutes. We are just checking on a few neighbors. We have heard that we could leave to the capital early in the morning tomorrow. Pray for us.” Fadi’s cheering voice answered.



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