
主题:苏联4%的自留地生产了25%的产值,包产到户战胜人民公社 -- mcpssx

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家园 一句话辟谣, 不给出处的数据,都是耍流氓。送囧有理。

把1/4 产值(value of agricultural production)当产量作证据了。显然如果苏联学习阿富汗,金三角允许私人种鸦片的话,0。1%的土地就足够生产出90%的农业产值了。


Hedrick Smith wrote in The Russians (1976) that, according to Soviet statistics, one fourth of the value of agricultural production in 1973 was produced on the private plots peasants were allowed (2% of the whole arable land).[18] In the 1980s, 3% of the land was in private plots which produced more than a quarter of the total agricultural output.

同篇WIKI里的反驳 The claims of inefficiency have, however, been criticized by Economist Joseph E. Medley of the University of Southern Maine, US.[21] Statistics based on value rather than volume of production may give one view of reality, as public-sector food was heavily subsidized and sold at much lower prices than private-sector produce. In addition, the 2–3% of arable land allotted as private plots does not include the large area allocated to the peasants as pasturage for their private livestock; combined with land used to produce grain for fodder, the pasturage and the private plots total almost 20% of all Soviet farmland.[21] Private farming may also be relatively inefficient, taking roughly 40% of all agricultural labor to produce only 26% of all output by value. Another problem is these criticisms tend to discuss only a small number of consumer products and do not take into account the fact that the kolkhozy and sovkhozy produced mainly grain, cotton, flax, forage, seed, and other non-consumer goods with a relatively low value per unit area. This economist admits to some inefficiency in Soviet agriculture, but claims that the failure reported by most Western experts was a myth.[21] He believes the above criticisms to be ideological in nature and emphasizes "[t]he possibility that socialized agriculture may be able to make valuable contributions to improving human welfare".

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