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家园 新德里卫星城:男子因遵守一切交通规则遭罚款

在一轮怪诞的事件 中,一名来自古尔岗的男子因为遵守一切交通规则而被重罚。 对遵守一切交通规则而被罚款这个事实迷惑不解,该男子说:“我在等红灯转绿,一位交警过来要我下车。然后他要我因为淡定地在红灯下等待而缴罚款。我先是大 为震惊,而当我告诉他我有驾照和其它有关证件时,他把罚款加了倍。”


来源:三泰虎论坛 http://www.santaihu.cn/thread-10025-1-1.html

外文:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/Alarm-bells-for-India- China-plans-to-build-rail-link-with-Nepal-through-Mt-Everest/articleshow/46862422.cms?

Man gets fined for following all traffic rules


Apr 10, 2015, 11.00 AM

In a bizarre turn of events, a man from Gurgaon was heavily fined for following all the traffic rules. “I was waiting for the red light to turn green when a traffic cop approached me and asked me to step out of the car. He then asked me to pay the penalty for waiting so nonchalantly at a red light. I was shocked at first and when I told him that I have the driving license and other relevant papers, he doubled the fine,” said the man, unable to wrap his head around the fact that he was fined for following all the rules.

在一轮怪诞的事件中,一名来自古尔岗(译注:新德里卫星城)的男子因为遵守一切交通规则而被重罚。 对遵守一切交通规则而被罚款这个事实迷惑不解,该男子说:“我在等红灯转绿,一位交警过来要我下车。然后他要我因为淡定地在红灯下等待而缴罚款。我先是大为震惊,而当我告诉他我有驾照和其它有关证件时,他把罚款加了倍。”

The traffic cop narrated his version of the story and said, “It is uncanny to see a person waiting at a red light these days. I observed him for two minutes during which he didn’t honk even once nor did he show any signs of being in a hurry. This caught my attention and I pounced on him. When I saw that he was even carrying all the relevant documents, I decided to fine him heavily. Jumping at a red light is considered an innate talent and if you don’t do it, it raises suspicion. I have been a traffic cop for the last 20 years and I have seen that the only people who follow traffic rules are foreigners, so when an Indian abides by the traffic rules, which happens once in a blue moon, doubts arise over his motive.”

这位交警讲述了这故事他自己的版本,“当今时日,看到一个人在等红灯是很离奇的,我观察了他2分钟,其间他甚至一次喇叭也没按,也沒显出一点着急的样子。这引起了我的注意,于是我一下子朝他扑了过去。当我见到他甚至还带着全部有关证件,我决定重重罚他。闯红灯被认为是天性,但要是你不那么干,就会让人起疑心。过去20年来,我一直干交警,而我看到遵守交通规则的只有外国人,因此,当一个印度人在遵守交通规则 – 那只有当太阳从西边出来,对他动机的怀疑油然而生。”

An onlooker who witnessed the entire event, said, “Breaking traffic rules has become such an Indian thing that if you follow the rules you will be looked down upon. In our times, this man who followed all the rules is like the 8th wonder of the world and he should have known better. I hope that this heavy fine will teach him a lesson.”

一位看到了事件全过程的目击者说,“ 违反交通规则已经成这样一种印度货,就是如果你遵守规则,你就会被人瞧不起。在我们这个时代,那个遵守一切规则的男子就象世界第8大奇观,他本该懂得更多。我希望这次重罚会给他一个教训。”

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