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KSA Lacks Real Army to Invade Yemen: 10,000 Saudi Soldiers Fled Bases

听到将要入侵也门打地面战 10000名沙特士兵瞬间逃离军事基地

龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com

The Global Research quoted European diplomatic sources as saying on Sunday that, almost 4,000 Saudi forces fled their border bases in anticipation of Riyadh’s order for launching a ground assault on Yemen.


“The intel gathered by the western intelligence agencies showed that the Saudi military forces have fled their bases, military centers and bordering checkpoints near Yemen in groups,” diplomatic sources were quoted as saying by Iraq’s Arabic-language Nahrain Net news website.


Other reports also said that over 10,000 soldiers from different Saudi military units have fled the army battalions and the National Guard, accordiing to the Global Research.


Experts believe that the Saudi army lacks strong morale to launch a ground invasion of Yemen and such an attack would be considered as a suicide for Saudi Arabia.


Media reports mentioned that European intelligence services assert that Saudi does not have a real army and infantry troops to face the Yemeni troops and tribes as well as the Houthis in case Riyadh decide to launch a ground invasion.


The New York Times considered that the Saudi campaign failed to attain any considerable achievement in Yemen, noting that the battlefield situation have not remarkably changed since the beginning of the Aggression on March 26.


Yemen has been since March 26 under brutal aggression by Saudi-US coalition. Riyadh launched the attack on Yemen in a bid to restore power to Yemen’s fugitive president Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi who is a close ally to Saudi Arabia.

也门在沙特 - 美国联合下受到野蛮侵略。自3月26日以来,利雅得发动了针对也门的空中打击,逃亡的也门总统abdrabbu Mansour Hadi,他是沙特阿拉伯的亲密盟友,也对也门(应该是指胡塞武装)发起了进攻。

On April 21, Saudi Arabia declared the end of the aggression, dubbed “Decisive Strom”. However, the Saudi-led warplanes are still conducting airstrikes on several areas across Yemen.


More than 2,800 people were martyred by the Saudi aggression, most of them are civilians. Thousands more were injured.


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