
主题:周末瞎侃宗教 -- 陈王奋起

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家园 比较性宗教研究:

A Short Guide to Comparative Religions

道教: Shit happens.

孔教: Confucius say, "Shit happens."

佛教: If shit happens, it isn't really shit.

禅宗: What is the sound of shit happening?

印度教: This shit happened before.

摩门教: This shit is going to happen again.

母屎林教: If shit happens, it is the Will of Allah.

思多葛主义: This shit is its own reward.

新教: Let this shit happen to someone else.

加尔文教派:Shit happens because you don't work hard enough.

五旬宗: In Jesus' name, heal this shit!

天主教: Shit happens because you deserve it.

犹太教: Why does this shit always happen to us?

明教: Shit happens half the time.

马列主义: This shit is going to hit the fan.

无神论: No shit.

七日圣殿教: No shit on Saturdays.

存在主义: Absurd shit.

不可知论: What is this shit?

虚无主义: Who gives a shit?

解构(主义?): Shit happens in hegemonic meta-narratives.

基督教科学派: Shit is in your mind.

文鲜明个人崇拜教: Only happy shit really happens.

耶和华的见证人: Knock, Knock, shit happens.

Scientology(这玩意中文叫啥?): Shit happens on page 152 of Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard

奎师那教: Shit happens, Rama Rama.

享乐主义: There's nothing like a good shit happening.

牙买加黑人版基督教: Yaah Maan! Let's smoke this shit.

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