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家园 【原创】红脖们的美国梦


美国公众广播网一贯标榜自己中立(其实在极右翼眼中是属于自由派的)。所以川普上台后,美国公众广播网一边播出反对川普的评论,一边又请来不那么极端的美国右派来做节目。下面这个片段是美国纽约公共广播电台(WNYC)在2017年2月1日播出的 “Indivisible”节目中的一个听众来电。主持人Charlie Sykes 以前是美国威斯康星州的保守电台节目主持人。

节目地址:http://www.wnyc.org/story/week-are-we-losing-our-country-donald-trump-indivisible-podcast/ (五十分钟左右开始)

这档节目的小标题叫做 Week 2 of Indivisible - Are We Losing Our Country?(我们是否正在失去我们的国家?)

Host: Charlie Sykes

Host: Michael from Raleigh North Carolina. You're on the air, good evening.

Mike: Hey, good evening, man how are you!

Host: How are you Michael?

Mike: Doing great! I do in one way believe we are loosing America that I kinda grew up with. The way I see it is that. I am, I'd like to call myself one of the last dying breed being a ... a younger generation but brought up on grim values and know hard work will get you to the place you want to be...

Host: How old are you Michael?

Mike: You know, yeah raising a family

Host: Michael, how old are you? How old are you?

Mike: What's that? I am 27.

Host: Okay okay you're younger.

Mike: Yeah I am young; like I said I am still raising a family and then doing 70-hour work week trying to make an honest check and I feel like you kinda lose ah... You know where my father was a blue collar worker but still making...eh... you know quick-put-together 6 figure check and not really having any kind of higher education. I don't see that light beam possible anymore really where you have to go to school and being that but it's very much a lifetime in there and get a doctor that something to be able to meet... you know ... make a 6 figure paycheck or you're working for it a couple of bucks over the minimum wage and just getting by ... you know ... pretty much scrip ...

Host: So your your father in body for you the American dream and you're following in his footsteps with the same with the same values and you're not sure that you live in that same that same environment.

Mike: Yeah are you know and of course...I... I... I feel like in there in a way I am long gone beyond happy. I... I... love my... my son. I love my family but on the same note I feel like you know ways I.. I'm letting them down because I can kinda here just financially wise given everything that I was given. And ... and everything I was given was just out of pure hard work... wasn't ... you know ... for a fact that he can make a great paycheck through by showing up to work, yet work that... work his butt off often. And I realize that. And I learned from that if you do the same then... that's just ... you know whichever way I turn you know you're going to get by on a mediocre job and working twice as hard as you know something I couldn't pay great just not having the ability to get that higher education to get into those kind of position.

Host: You know you know Michael, I... I... think one of the things we learned in this campaign was the guys like you had become invisible for a while. And we don't we don't we go to the cycles of history and we ignore certain people... you know... for years we we ignored African Americans away or we ignore other minorities or we ignored women. We got to a point where I think there was this huge middle class ... working class, who have you know had the same values as their parents and somehow they were on nobody's radar screen. You know the Democrats were talking about other ... other things whatever you ... I don't want to get into you know ... a policy ... thing. Republicans you know had ... had their ... their own we know if we just cut taxes for the rich ... you know ... somehow that that's gonna play out. And I do think that you cannot understand this campaign without understanding get millions of people like you Michael who said "Hey what what about us?!" And .. It .. it's I think it's a big mistake to simply try to write you off as supporters of white supremacy because you want to have some of those values and some of those opportunities back.

Mike: Absolutely, 100% ! I can take my my skills and and try to open up my ... my own trade business, but ... you know ... and that's that being only 27 I try to put time doing handyman services and things like that, but ... you know ... unless you get client, unless you get ... you know... a lot of money to invest into the promoting yourself there's really ... really nowhere to go... then you have to work for somebody. And that somebody can hold the check over your head and until your next meal. You know ... you know ... next I will be 60 and then try to pay for bills this could be crazy.

Host: Yeah, I think part of this is that that sort of sense that I... I... a lot of Americans, I think... I'm kind of feel that they've kind of lost that control and they loss the power over their lives. Let's go back to the mid day the Midwest at Minneapolis up.

译文 (注意粗体的部分):

主持人: 来自北卡罗来纳州莱利市的迈克,晚上好,你现在直播中。

迈克: 嗨,晚上好,老兄你好吗?


迈克: 过得不错!我确信我们在某种程度上的确正在失去那个哺育我成长的美国。我的看法是,我想,我觉得应该称我自己为正在灭绝的一批人中的一员。。。我虽然是年轻一代,但从小受到高尚价值观的教育,知道努力工作会让你得到应有的地位。。。




迈克:你说啥?我 27 了。






迈克:100% 完全同意! 我可以学习技能开办我自己的生意。但是。。。你知道的。。。我只有27岁,我必须把时间用在打零工赚钱上等等。而且。。。你知道的。。。除非你能找到客户。。。你知道的。。。除非你能得到很多投资。。。否则你走投无路。。。只能为他人工作。而他人只给你够吃下顿饭的钱。你知道。。。你知道。。。这样下去我到60岁还这么过日子就太恐怖了。



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