
主题:浅谈A3打印后的世界秩序(下) -- 种植园土

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家园 被曲解的魔笛老仙独立日讲话

【环球网报道 记者 任梅子】据《印度斯坦时报》8月15日报道,印度今天迎来第71个独立日,印度媒体关注焦点全部盯向位于德里的红堡。总理莫迪今早在这里发表独立日演说,在长达一个多小时的讲话中,谈及反腐、就业等诸多话题,并称要在2022年前打造一个“新印度”。





莫迪讲话被误解为“印军准备好面对任何挑战,具备外科手术式打击能力”,本来是对巴基斯坦的叫嚣,一改口变成对中国的战争威胁了。其实莫迪还谈了Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam思想 (整个世界是一家人)。他的真实想法已不重要了,因为事已至此,已经没有什么能阻碍战争了。


During his over 45-minute speech, Modi drew the loudest response when he spoke on the surgical strikes conducted after the Uri attack last September.

“When India talked of terrorism 20 years back, many in the world said it was a law and order problem and didn’t understand it. Now terrorists have explained terrorism to them, so we don’t have to,” Modi said.

He said India succeeded in telling the world about the need to uproot the menace of terrorism. “When India conducted surgical strikes, the world experienced our power and realised that India practices restraint but can show power when needed,” he said.

“The world did not and cannot stop us. We have succeeded in conveying to the world the deleterious effects of terrorism on India.”

“The entire world could have raised many questions and pointed fingers at us for the surgical strike. But not a single country questioned India’s surgical strike against terrorist launch pads in Pakistan. For those who suffered (Pakistan) because of this, it is a different thing,” he said.

Modi also took a swipe at China when he said that India believes in following the world order. “We are bound by international laws. We believe in the idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family). This is our character. We do not want to disrupt the global order. Following international norms and law to ensure that sovereignty, security and peace is maintained, we are capable of taking very stern action.”

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