
主题:人艰不拆讲笑话之三 -- 骨头龙

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家园 本着讲笑话的态度



Rio de Janeiro, as Agincourt was named by her first owners, was laid down on 14 September 1911 by Armstrongs in Newcastle upon Tyne and launched on 22 January 1913.[2] After the keel-laying the Brazilian government found itself in an unenviable position: a European depression after the end of the Second Balkan War in August 1913 reduced Brazil's ability to obtain foreign loans, while at the same time Brazil's coffee and rubber exports collapsed, the latter due to the loss of the Brazilian rubber monopoly to British plantations in the Far East.[31][C] In addition, reports on new dreadnought construction coming in from overseas indicated that the vessel would be outclassed upon completion.[32] These factors caused Brazil to put the ship up for sale in October 1913, and she was sold to the Ottoman Navy for ?2,750,000 on 28 December 1913.[33] Renamed Sult?n Osm?n-? Evvel, she underwent trials in July 1914 and was completed in August, just as World War I began.[34]


骨头龙的观点归于一点就是反对君主立宪的革命,认为土耳其的君主立宪革命改变不了被瓜分的命运。我就举出辛亥革命的例子,意思是说,难道由于后来边疆省份的分离倾向,就能否定辛亥革命的进步性吗?退一万步说,难道不革命,两国在大清皇帝和苏丹领导下会混得更好? 我就呵呵了。

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