
主题:【原创】周语非汉语[修改版] -- 东学西读岛主

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家园 非也非也,指的是正宗罗马:布捏战争-加斯丁尼



? 241 BC – Sicilia (Sicily) taken over from the Carthaginians and annexed at the end of the First Punic War.


? 147 BC – Macedonia in mainland Greece. It was annexed after a rebellion by the Achaean League.


? 146 BC – Africa (modern day Tunisia and western Libya) home territory of Carthage; annexed after the destruction of Carthage in the Third Punic War.



? 63 BC – Syria; Pompey annexed Syria at the end of the Third Mithridatic War.

? 46 BC - Africa Nova (eastern Numidia - Algeria), Julius Caesar annexed eastern Numidia and the new province called Africa Nova (new Africa) to distinguish it from the older province of Africa, which become known as Africa Vetus (Old Africa).



? 27 BC or 16-13 BC – Aquitania (south-western France) province created in the territories in Gaul conquered by Julius Caesar; there is uncertainty as to whether it was created with Augustus’ first visit and the first census on Gaul or during Augustus’ visit in 16-13 (imperial proconsular province).

? 27 BC or 16-13 BC - Gallia Lugdunensis (central and part of northern France) province created in the territories in Gaul conquered by Julius Caesar; there is uncertainty as to whether it was created with Augustus’ first visit and the first census on Gaul or during Augustus’ visit in 16-13 (imperial proconsular province).

? 27 BC or 16-13 BC - Gallia Belgica (Netherlands south of the Rhine river, Belgium, Luxembourg, part of northern France and Germany west of the Rhine; there is uncertainty as to whether it was created with Augustus’ first visit and the first census on Gaul or during Augustus’ visit in 16-13 (imperial proconsular province).

? 12 BC – Germania Magna, lost after three Roman legions were routed in 9 AD.

? 43 AD – Britannia. Claudius initiated the invasion of Britannia. Up to 60 AD, the Romans controlled the area south a line from the River Humber to the Severn Estuary. Wales was finally subdued in 78. In 78–84 Agricola conquered the north of England and Scotland. Scotland was then abandoned (imperial proconsular province). In 197 Septimius Severus divided Britannia into Britannia Superior and Britannia Inferior. Imperial provinces (proconsular and propraetorial respectively).

? 83/84 AD – Germania Superior (southern Germany) The push into southern Germany up to the Agri Decumates by Domitian created the necessity to create this province, which had been a military district in Gallia Belgica when it was restricted to the west bank of the River Rhine (imperial proconsular province).

? 83/84 AD - Germania Inferior (Netherlands south of the River Rhine, part of Belgium, and part of Germany west of the Rhine) originally a military district under Gallia Belgica, created when Germania Superior was created (imperial proconsular province).


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