
主题:陷于议会/政府困境之中的英国人 -- 燕人

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As to the time of dissolving or proroguing Parliament after its First Meeting.

And it is further enacted that noe Parliament henceforth to bee assembled shall be dissolved or prorogued within fiftie dayes att the least after the time appointed for the meeting thereof unlesse it be by assent of his Majesty his heires or successours and of both Houses in Parliament assembled.

And that neither the House of Peers nor the House of Commons shall be adjourned within fifty dayes att least after the meeting thereof unlesse it bee by the free consent of every the said houses respectively.





评论: 这个法案其实只是说议会在召开后五十天内不得解散,除非得到国王(含其继承人)和上下议院的一致许可才能解散或休会。但这里并没有硬性规定国王在五十天后不得解散议会。这里要看到的背景是查理一世长期不召开国会。好不容易重开国会后,议员们希望至少给国王套个笼头,加个五十天的限制。但并没有从根本上取消国王解散议会的权利。



Whereas the Act made in the Parliament begun at Westminster the Third day of November in the Sixteenth Yeare of the Raigne of our late Soveraigne Lord King Charles of blessed Memory entituled An Act for the preventing of Inconveniencies happening by the long Intermission of Parliaments is in Derogation of His Majestyes just Rights and Prerogative inherent to the Imperiall Crowne of this Realme for the calling and assembling of Parliaments, And may be an occasion of manifold mischeifes and inconveniences, and much endanger the Peace and Safety of His Majestie, and all His Leidge People of this Realme, Be it therefore enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majestie by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and the Co[m]mons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authoritie of the same That the said Act entituled An Act for the preventing of Inconveniencies happening by the long Intermission of Parliaments And all and every the Articles Clauses and Things therein contained is, shall be and are hereby wholly repealed annulled and utterly made void, And are hereby declared to be null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever as if the said Act had never beene had or made, Any thing in the said Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.





II. No longer Intermission of Parliaments than Three Years.

And because by the auntient Lawes and Statutes of this Realme made in the Raigne of King Edward the Third Parliaments are to be held very often Your Majesties humble and loyall Subjects the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and the Co[m]mons in this present Parliament assembled most humbly doe beseech Your most Excellent Majestie, That it may be declared and enacted And bee it declared and enacted by the Authority aforesaid That hereafter the sitting and holding of Parliaments shall not be intermitted or discontinued above three yeares at the most, but that within three yeares from and after the determination of this present Parliament and soe from time to time within three yeares after the determination of any other Parliament or Parliaments, or if there be occasion more often, Your Majestie Your Heires and Successors doe issue out Your Writts for calling, assembling and holding of another Parliament to the end there may be a frequent calling assembling and holding of Parliaments once in Three yeares at the least.


II 议会休会不超过三年




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