主题:【讨论】中美partial deal的含义 -- indy

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家园 【讨论】中美partial deal的含义




1. 这个mini-deal非常的mini,也没有任何执行机制。美方舆论,华儿街认为不再升级是利好,强硬派认为是重大挫折。

2. 中国的行动是买400-500亿美元的农产品。这个每次谈判必提,买买停停。就算在古怪的节奏中,一不留神真把农产品买来了,也不是坏事,大豆猪肉吃掉就完了。

3. 知识产权保护也是每次谈判都高调同意精神,字面上没分歧。美方是想搞强制检查惩罚机制,这不可能让步。

4. 货币政策也差不多,中方答应“人民币汇率更加市场化”,这也是精神,没有执行机制。美方把中国列为“汇率操纵国”一段时间了,市场认为没有意义,等于吵架。

5. 暂停将2500亿美元的中国商品税率提升到30%,维持25%。这也是生造出来的牌,不是美方的让步。中方对关税影响已经有评估了,应对起来完全不怕。美方多次造势声称中国产业链在转移走要完,但是实际评估比较失望,进展不大,制造业回美国更是扯。

6. 华为禁令没松口,传实际操作时让买一些。这阶段意义也不大,其他进实体名单的公司也差不多,都是长期战斗。

7. 真正的意义是,特朗普露底了。这么一个进展接近没有的协议,用语言包装成“第一阶段协议”,这等于是同意中方的分段谈判法,也同意中方的友好语言包装。谈判节奏已经被带歪了,进入了以前的节奏。

8. 谈还是谈,和以前不一样的是打也是真打,各条战线的斗争已经开始,都不会停。


What the U.S. stands to gain:

• China agreed to purchase $40 billion to $50 billion in U.S. agricultural products, according to President Trump. The time frame of these purchases wasn’t immediately clear.

• China agreed to open its market to international financial services, according to Mr. Trump, potentially allowing U.S. banks and insurance companies to expand in China.

What China stands to gain:

• The U.S. won’t move forward on Oct. 15 with a planned increase in tariff rates to 30% from 25% on about $250 billion of Chinese goods.

Major issues unresolved:

• Tariffs of 15% are still scheduled to be imposed on $156 billion of Chinese imports on Dec. 15, barring further progress in the talks.

• The U.S. didn’t announce any relaxation of restrictions it has imposed against Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei.

• The U.S. said China would agree to better protections for U.S. intellectual property. President Trump said this would be addressed later.

• The U.S. wants China to agree to a pact not to manipulate its currency. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said a pact was “almost complete.”

• The U.S. wants China to restrict the practice of requiring American companies to share technology with Chinese partners in exchange for access to the market. Mr. Mnuchin said they had made “good progress” but hadn’t reached a deal.

• The U.S. had hoped China would take actions to rein in state-owned companies, but no progress was cited.

• U.S. negotiators have pressed China to change rules on information security, cross-border data flows and high-tech sectors such as cloud computing, but no progress was cited.

• Existing tariffs from both sides remain in place with no mechanism to unwind.

• Both sides have said they want a way to ensure compliance. The U.S. said there will be a consultation process, but no details have been announced.


We agree that we do not agree on anything!



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