
主题:[原创]Blackout 十大好处: -- loser

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家园 [原创]Blackout 十大好处:

1. 马上学会谦让(driving on the dark street without any traffic lights)

2. 更加珍惜生命(same as above)

3. 更加热爱生活(candle night,start learning and thinking...)

4. 改善人际关系(telephone does not work, people have to talk face to face)

5. 思念远方亲人(call parents...)

6. 可以回忆往事(well, nothing to do in a dark room)

7. 促进零售行业(food drink fresh light candle etc.)

8. 自发锻炼身体(well,lots of street walking... )

9. 观星浪漫一下(i did it a lot around my house)

10.大吃不再后悔(that is the best part, haha)

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