
主题:【新闻联播再怒斥:#背负四宗罪的蓬佩奥突破做人底线# -- 大胖子

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家园 2019年New Yorker杂志有一篇详细的报道

The weekend after the election, Pompeo called a Kansas Republican who had worked for Trump and told him that he hoped to become either C.I.A. director or Secretary of the Army. The two decided that he should work his ties to Pence and to a West Point classmate, David Urban, who had run Trump’s campaign in Pennsylvania. Urban was also hearing from Steve Bannon, Trump’s ultranationalist chief strategist, who called Urban to suggest that he urge “the old man” to name Pompeo to the C.I.A. post. Urban did so.


选举后的那个周末,彭培奥给一名曾为特朗普工作过的堪萨斯州共和党人打电话,希望成为中情局局长或陆军部长。两人决定,彭培奥应该活动与彭斯(副总统)以及(彭培奥的)西点同学大卫·厄本(David Urban)的关系,后者曾在宾夕法尼亚州主持特朗普的竞选活动。特朗普的极端民族主义首席战略家史蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon)也听到厄本的建议,他打电话给厄本,建议他敦促“老人”(特朗普)将庞培任命为中情局长。厄本这样做了。

New Yorker - Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of Trump


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