主题:鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 -- happyyuppie
现在川总支持者跟美国媒体打得不可开交,对旁观者的一个意外收获是,一些鲜为人知的黑幕被揭出来了。比如最近狐狸新闻的一篇报道Trump threatens to release Lesley Stahl interview ahead of Sunday's '60 Minutes'下面的读者评论里有人讲了这么一段往事:
For example, on the flow chart for how long it would take IP to move the reactor from the rail car into position, it showed 4 weeks. "60 Minutes" showed they only took 1 day and stating that the time frame was purposely exaggerated. BUT IP's film showed the "60 Minutes" reporter being told that the 4 weeks included all the preparation and testing time required by law before the actual move, but THAT information was conveniently left out of "60 Minutes" show.