
主题:鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 -- happyyuppie

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家园 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利

现在川总支持者跟美国媒体打得不可开交,对旁观者的一个意外收获是,一些鲜为人知的黑幕被揭出来了。比如最近狐狸新闻的一篇报道Trump threatens to release Lesley Stahl interview ahead of Sunday's '60 Minutes'下面的读者评论里有人讲了这么一段往事:

Back in the 70s, I went with my dad (an electrical engineer for GE) to a presentation by Illinois Power. They first showed the "60 Minutes" episode that was done about an IP nuclear power plant, pointing out all the lies the officials told and stuff like that. BUT, Illinois Power had done ONE thing right -- THEY HAD FILMED everything presented to the "60 Minutes" crew, and the additional footage PROVED WITHOUT A SHADOW OF DOUBT that "60 Minutes" had PURPOSELY distorted the information presented to them.

For example, on the flow chart for how long it would take IP to move the reactor from the rail car into position, it showed 4 weeks. "60 Minutes" showed they only took 1 day and stating that the time frame was purposely exaggerated. BUT IP's film showed the "60 Minutes" reporter being told that the 4 weeks included all the preparation and testing time required by law before the actual move, but THAT information was conveniently left out of "60 Minutes" show.




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