
主题:川普们的广场政变惨败给了国会大佬们的清场政变 -- 龙眼

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家园 代理国防部长米勒没占到特朗普这一边

米勒虽然是特朗普提拔的,但是关键时刻给了他致命一击,先是和陆军部长Ryan D. McCarthy共同决定出动1,100国民警卫队,和参谋长联席会议主席Milley,彭斯,佩罗西,参议院两党头目商议后,出兵令一开始被特朗普拦住了,接下来彭斯直接下令出兵,但是这个命令在法理上是有问题的。导致Trump失败的关键人物就是四个M:Milley, Miller, McCarthy和Mike(Pence)



Army Secretary Ryan D. McCarthy and Acting Defense Secretary Miller decided to deploy the entire 1,100-strong force of D.C. National Guard to quell violence.[196][197] About 3:04 p.m., Miller spoke with Pence, Pelosi, McConnell and Schumer, and directed the National Guard and other "additional support" to respond to the riot.[198][199][200] The order to send in the National Guard, which Trump initially resisted, was approved by Vice President Pence.[201][202] This bypassing of the chain of command has not been explained.

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