
主题:两个关于MIT陈刚院士官司的情况 -- 方平

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家园 两个关于MIT陈刚院士官司的情况


1、I just heard from a Prof. Gang Chen( MIT)’s colleague saying that MIT will support Gang by providing the legal support. This is great to hear. In fact, Gang’s Chinese research funds are mainly for the MIT-China joint research centers. MIT is fully aware of these joint research efforts and Gang is only the director of the center on the MIT side. Please share this information with your friends to clarify some misinformation on the internet. Thanks.

2、I like to clarify another charge to Prof. Gang Chen by FBI claiming his undisclosed Chinese appointments in China when he applied for the US research research grants. Until 2020, there has been no clear guidances from the US government agencies to disclose the academic courtesy appointments in applying for a US research grant. This is a common practice of almost all researchers in the US. For example, at Princeton, we were advised by our university research grant office to list our foreign courtesy appointments starting sometime from the beginning of 2020. Therefore, FBI is using a new policy to charge a normal practice of Gang in the past. The purpose is very clear: stop any Chinese influence.



2、美国FBI起诉陈刚在申请美国科研基金时,没有披露之前与中国合作中所担任的职务。但是2020年之前,美国相关机构对美国学术人员在中国担任“学术荣誉性职务(academic courtesy appointments)”,并无明确的需要披露的规定。并举出一个类似的例子:在普林斯顿大学,类似规定是2020年年初,由普林斯顿大学科研基金管理办公室自行规定开始实施的。也就是说,FBI对陈刚院士未披露的指控,是用清朝的剑,斩明朝的官。最后一句是说:FBI此举目的非常清楚:停止一切中国影响

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