
主题:茗谈200:民居杂谈 -- 本嘉明

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家园 英国雨水不少

不过没有国内江淮那边那种大暴雨. 貌似没有将落叶问题, 估计是房屋坡度比较大不会有落叶停在瓦片上.


按照这里的说法一般传统是40-50度, 极端的会到70度.

"A typical roof pitch in the UK for a traditional house will be 40°-50° but at the extreme can go up to 70°"

" As an example thatched roofs are often 45° or more whilst a slate tile roof can be much flatter at say a 35° pitch if desired. In areas of high snowfall then the roof pitch can be much greater, to allow the snow to fall off the roof rather than settle and build up on the roof."


我自己家遇到过落叶堵死屋檐排水口和排水管. 排水管主要是因为有个收集雨水的桶, 在排水管上的接头上有个滤网, 落叶腐烂后把那个网子堵死了.

关于变形, 按说木制的肯定会有, 本人非相关人士, 具体的不清楚.

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