
主题:日本正式批准核污染水排海计划 -- 投桃报李

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The Task Force noted that they supported the NRA decision to review the REIA conducted by TEPCO as part of the authorization process. The NRA clarified that they are reviewing the methodology adopted by TEPCO to ensure that it is in line with the IAEA safety standards (i.e. GSG-10 [6]). The Task Force also noted that the NRA is requiring from TEPCO to provide more realistic assumptions in the REIA rather than relying on excessive conservatism and to undertake further assessment of the uncertainties associated with the predicted doses. The Task Force suggested that the objective of the REIA needs to be clearly defined in the authorization process so that it is not confused with the assessment of doses valid immediately after the FDNPS accident in 2011.

The NRA presented the results of a study that had been undertaken to verify the simulation used by TEPCO in the REIA to assess the dispersion of discharged tritium in the ocean. For this verification, the NRA noted that they used the same model, assumptions and endpoints as the ones used by TEPCO and that they obtained comparable results as TEPCO. While the Task Force acknowledged the

importance of replicating the dispersion simulations, the Task Force explained that consideration also needs to be given to undertaking independent modelling and sensitivity testing to validate that TEPCO’s modelling assumptions and outputs are fit for purpose.


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