
主题:【业界动态】Google和SUN联手,意欲何为? -- Highway

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家园 【文摘】No Office suite from us - Google

这段引文,不能简单的读作“尘埃落地,google不做web office”。Sergey Brin露了一点点口风,就是他们要做轻量级的,全新思路的软件使得“文档处理更加方便”。google从来不满足于抄袭别人的思路,什么都喜欢整个自己的玩法。这种创造力很多时候大家很惊艳。不过,也有不受欢迎的时候。刚出来的在线RSS聚合器google reader,被大家骂了个半死 http://reader.google.com

No Office suite from us - Google

"See, we start with the toolbar, then we do the Talking Paperclip..."

By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco

Published Saturday 8th October 2005 04:12 GMT

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Google co-founder Sergey Brin has quashed speculation that the giant ad broker is to introduce a web-based Office suite.

"We don't have any plans," he told Web 2.0 conference organizer John Battelle (pictured below). However Brin left the door open a little. Documents would be easier to work with in the future, he promised, but he didn't think a fat client was the way to go.

Web 2.0 organizer John Battelle"I don't really think that the thing is to take a previous generation of technology and port them directly," he told Battelle. However distributed thin web applications allowed you to do "new and better things than the Office package and more."

It puts the end to a week of feverish speculation prompted on Monday by an announcement that Sun and Google were going to team up to do something ... er, really, really big.

In the end, the only news was the disclosure that Sun would bundle Google's Toolbar in its Java RunTime download.

But, was that really all?

Google book author Battelle himself cogitated for 30 hours before delivering his verdict.

In a post entitled Google-Sun - The Toolbar, Ay, There's the Rub - he pondered: "Seems the push is on to get more Toolbars downloaded," following up with the slightly more confident: "And now, I see why Google is doing this Sun deal. It's the Toolbar, of course!" ... and concluded with the emphatic: "In other words, Google really, really wants more Toolbar distribution."



关键词(Tags): #google#RSS#office
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