
主题:【原创】朝鲜战场上的美国“老爸”——当了战俘名利双收(续) -- 老拙

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家园 慧眼啊


j( EX-PAROLE CHIEF DIES URBANA, Ohio W Randolph Tritts McAdams, 80, head of the Ohio Pardon and Parole Commis- sion under Govs. Myers Y. Cooper, John Bricker and Thomas Herbet, died yesterday at his home here. WCTU SETS PICNIC The annual picnic of the Mar- ion County WCTU awffl be held Saturday at Lincoln Park. A cov- ered dish dinner will be at 1 o'clock. Tile Bath Room Tile Work of All CaU or Write for Free Estimate B. STONER FINDLAY MANTEL and TILE CO. 116 W. Front St. Flndlay, O. Phone 4171 I ACCIDENT VICTIM. Bonnie Buehler, 25, airlines stewardess, was critically injured at Lake Arrowhead, Calif., whenfche fell overboard from a speedboat and was drawn into its propeller. The boat was driven Sar- geant, music concern owner, and was towing Geary Steffen, ex- husband of actress Jane Powell, on water skis. Steffen dived off his skis and rescued the girl. Her left arm was sheared off at the shoulder and doctors said they probably will amputate her left leg.


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