
主题:【科技风云】当上市不再需要投行,向GOOGLE 致敬! -- 西风陶陶

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家园 【科技风云】当上市不再需要投行,向GOOGLE 致敬!

Google considers online auction of IPO shares -- FT : Financial Times reports that Google is considering holding a massive online auction of shares early next year in an IPO that investment bankers predict could value the internet search-engine company at more than $15bln. An electronic auction would be designed to prevent a recurrence of the sort of financial scandals that have engulfed Wall Street since the collapse of the dotcom bubble. An auction would allow all investors to bid for Google's shares directly, rather than leave it to an investment bank to decide on the price of the shares and who should receive them... Though the company does not disclose financial information, its profits are growing rapidly and are reckoned to be running at an annual rate of about $150m on revenues of $500m.

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