
主题:【原创】美国新电影MIAMI VICE观后 -- z250

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家园 没看过,给个纽约时报的评论巩俐的片断

是七月二十八日,电影首映那天的,由纽时影评人A.O.Scott作,题为:Mood Over Miami:Operatic Passion, Yet Cool is the Heat. 只选译讲巩俐的一段,原英文附后:


In the movie version though, only real movie stars, who command attention simply by allowing the camera to behold them, will do. Mr.Foxx, sly, taciturn and effortlessly charismatic, certainly fulfills the requirement, as do Ms.Gong, a goddess of global cinema whose every word you hang on even when you can't understand a single one.


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