
主题:【原创】回忆 -- dfindy

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家园 我也回忆一下------

本人历来爱睡懒觉,五年前那天也不例外。早上十点来钟才去上班(没有固定的上班时间,晚到晚走,把活儿干出来就行了)。我谁也没理,就一头钻进自己的办公室,开始干活。大约十点半左右吧,大老板到我的办公室来了,随便说了两句和工作有关的事儿,然后问我:"Do you know what has happened?".

Sensing there was something to it from the serious look on his face, I hesitated for a second and answered "N.....no?" inquisitively.

"A plane, a 767, crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center this morning in New York", said he, "and ....".

"What&?#?! a 767?" I couldn't believe it. "It was an accident, right? Or maybe some terrorists did it?Oh,Geez! ......" I started to theorize the possible causes of this seemingly incomprehensible event.

"And, and then ......" , my boss tried to interrupt me and had, eventually, succeeded. "About half an hour later, another plane hit the other tower. According to NPR's latest broadcast, both towers have caught fire".

Now, it was unmistakable that these had been acts of terrorism. I was speechless.

The voice of our administrative assisant, who came in to join the conversation, broke the silence: "I just heard on the radio that both towers have collapsed", and she was all in tears.

"Collapsed??" The word was, at that moment, both familiar and strange, simultaneously. The twin towers were not there any more? It was unimaginable.

A while later, after my boss and the administrative assistant had left my office, I double-clicked the IE5 icon on my desktop, and tried to read CNN News. The only thing I could see was "AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK"

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