
主题:【原创】道琼斯新高: 傻瓜在狂奔 -- 倥偬飞人

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家园 果然怀疑美国政府作了手脚

Bloomberg报道美国政府为了选举,有可能对第三季度的GDP数据做了粉饰,真实的成长可能只有0.9%! 最明显的就是汽车行业明明不景气,美国商务部经济分析局却公布了汽车生产增长了26%!自打嘴巴的是美国联储局公布的数据表明,第三季度汽车生产下降了12%!如果确实如此,Roubini认为第三季度的GDP成长可能低于1%的看法,也是很准确的。华尔街是不是也配合共和党搞了这么一出连创新高啊?NND, 刑不上大夫, 美国政府这样编造数据,不仅仅欺骗选民,还欺骗了全世界的投资人,不需要负责任的吗?

This mismeasurement of motor vehicle production in Q3 is highly suspicious coming about ten days before the US mid-term elections. It is also highly suspicious as it is not clear how the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) at the Department of Commerce could have made such a gross mistake when seeing an alleged 26% increase in auto production that was patently at odds with many facts. During Q3 all the major US automakers - Ford, GM, Chrysler - announced production cuts for both Q3 and Q4. So, how could the folks at BEA argue and estimate that production went up by a whopping 26%? These data also do not make any sense as the Federal Reserve Board data on automotive production in Q3 show a sharp fall in production of motor vehicles of 12% (see http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/g17/Current/g17.pdf, Table 1).


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