
主题:【文摘】中国自行研制的歼-10战机正式列装我军航空兵 -- gundamzaku

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家园 应该是F15和F18


至于J10, EA网上是这样介绍的:

While the PLA Air Force’s fighter aircraft are generally regarded as obsolete by US, Russian, and European standards, China has taken great strides in the past decade to upgrade its fleet. The J-10 consequently embodies China’s dedication to producing an indigenous, modern fighter. A single-seat, single-engine, multi-role aircraft, the J-10 incorporates the latest avionics technology such as fly-by-wire and Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR). These give the J-10 maneuverability at high speeds and the ability to operate in any type of weather. The fighter can easily reach speeds of Mach 1.5 and faster, and is equipped to carry air-to-air guided missiles and laser-guided bombs for ground attack.

The J-10’s development benefited from collaboration between Israel and China on fighter technology in the early 1980s.

The J-10 program was originally launched to counter the Soviet Union’s Mig-29, yet ironically post Cold War Russia agreed to sell avionics technology to China.

The fighter first flew in 1996 but isn’t expected to reach full operational deployment until 2005 or later.

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