
主题:葫芦僧乱判葫芦案 -- 煮酒正熟

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家园 Don't get me wrong

I was not mad at you, or anyone. Not at all.

I'm also using SAS everyday, but not on statistical analysis. Our advanced analytics team folks also use SAS, and I believe the way that they check for nomality, equal variance, linearity, etc. is through running residual analysis. They plot the residuals and observe the distribution by eyes as a preliminary check (QQ plot for checking linearity, for example). Then they would also refer to more 'scientific' criteria such as a bunch of statistics (W for checking normality assumption). I don't remember all those statistics. Learned that at school but forget most of the stuff. But with a statistics textbook I can easily show you the statistics to check for those assumptions.

You keep saying that we were not using the comparables as Test and Control, but you never really explain why. You just keep saying "not comparable" like that. But why not comparable? Man, you've got to tell us more, and better yet, show us your design of experiment so that we could see clearly the difference between yours and our company's, and what advantages yours has over ours. Can you do me this favor?

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