
主题:【情人节征文】旧欢如梦 -- 从幼儿园开始 -- 巴山夜雨

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家园 很喜欢他的这个歌词

Love is funny or its sad

Or its quiet or its mad

Its a good thing or its bad

But beautiful

Beautiful to take a chance and if you fall, you fall

And Im thinking I wouldnt mind at all

Love is tearful or its gay

Its a problem or its play

Its a heartache either way

But beautiful

And Im thinking if you were mine, Id never let you go

And that would be but beautiful, I know.

Love is tearful or its gay

Its a problem or its play

Its a heartache either way

But its beautiful

And Im thinking if you were mine, Id never let you go

And that would be but beautiful, I know

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