主题:【原创】关于《罗伯特.卡帕眼中的最后世界》。 -- 雷达
没办法,直接图片搜索,“ROBERT CAPA”, 出来一堆图片,最著名的是 Death of a loyalist soldier。我不死心,又试着加个词 LAST,这回找到一个
Final shot: The last photo taken by Robert Capa before he steps on a mine in Thai Binh Province. — File Photo
原网页 http://vietnamnews.vnanet.vn/2004-05/27/Stories/20.htm。
继续搜索“ROBERT CAPA”, 我想看英文文献里有没有这个半空中的故事。很遗憾,没有找到。下面是Wikipedia 里“Robert Capa”条目里提到的卡帕之死。
On May 25, 1954 at 2:55PM, the regiment was passing through a dangerous area under fire when Capa decided to leave his jeep and go up the road to photograph some of the advance. About five minutes later, Mecklin and Lucas heard a loud explosion. Capa had stepped on a landmine. When they arrived on the scene he was still alive, but his left leg had been blown to pieces and he had a serious wound in his chest. Mecklin screamed for a medic and Capa's body was taken to a small field hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. He had died with his camera in his hand.
He had died with his camera in his hand,如此而已。
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🙂呵呵,和你讨论一下。有可能你说的这张不对。 4 verb 字2612 2007-03-12 18:37:17
🙂高手,佩服一下. 雷达 字169 2007-03-13 05:20:41
🙂应该是三张中的中间那张,黑白的。 凌未风 字48 2007-03-13 04:17:33
🙂谢谢,这个推论是我所见最科学的了 萨苏 字199 2007-03-12 20:24:37
🙂也是高人。这个考据考的也是很好。 铁手 字0 2007-03-12 18:59:17
😄呵呵,谢谢两位老大捧场,蓬壁生辉啊。 verb 字0 2007-03-13 00:25:51
🙂能把人炸飞的地雷,不会给人一点反应时间来按快门。 1 三力思 字141 2007-03-12 13:43:18