主题:请教河友,10倍光学变焦家用数码哪个比较好 -- seen

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            • 家园 没有那么夸张吧


              After using the TX1 daily for a few weeks I did get more used to it, but still found myself searching for the shutter release every time I went to take a shot. I dreaded my wife handing the camera to someone and saying 'hey take a picture of us together' as it inevitably ended up with us standing with slowly-drooping fixed smiles as we waited for them to work out how to actually take a picture.

              And yet I did grow to like the TX1 - or least the idea behind it. It's quite an achievement to squeeze so much functionality into something genuinely pocketable, and it is a lovely 'thing'; well made, fast and surprisingly capable. I loved the fact that I could switch so seamlessly from shooting stills to capturing high quality movie clips (putting aside the 'is it really 'HD' or not' argument; VGA is plenty big enough for me), I liked the overall responsiveness and I liked the fact that I could hang it off my wrist all day without getting arm ache.

              But ultimately I personally couldn't get on with the vertical design and idiosyncratic handling, I missed shots because by the time I'd turned it on, flipped the screen out and positioned my fingers correctly the moment was lost. But I guess the real killer for me is that I want a camera to be a camera first and a camcorder second, and anything that makes shooting in vertical (portrait) orientation so damned awkward is never going to find a permanent home chez moi.

              As a walk around camera with better-than-average movie capabilities and a big zoom the TX1 has a lot to recommend it, and it's important to stress that handling is to a fairly large extent a personal thing, so I wouldn't write it off completely. Just don't buy it thinking it's a replacement for a 'proper' HD camcorder and be aware that the ergonomics are, well, unusual.

              I'd really, really recommend going to a store and trying it for yourself before committing; this is a cool, fun gadget with surprisingly good image quality, but for me it's not a camera I found easy to live with - especially not at the best part of $500. I'd personally forget the movie stuff, save my self $150 and go for a Panasonic TZ3, which might not be as cute but has a more useful zoom range and handles like a proper camera. There is undoubtedly a market for this kind of product, but I think Canon needs to go back to the drawing board before it launches the TX2.


              其实我现在最感兴趣的是即将推出的SX100,加拿大的一些店已经开始接受预定,价格399 CND,比TZ3便宜(一般 449-499 CND)。光看参数,这个SX100比TZ3强,特别是手动功能丰富。个头略大一些。没注意有没有28mm的广角。老兄觉得这个机器咋样?

              • 家园 PP质量还是很重要的


                • 家园 C也有2100啊,我有个O的2100uz,呵呵。为2100干杯。
                  • 家园 呀,不好意思,笔误笔误,干杯干杯!


                    • 家园 哈哈,原来如此。


                      当年也对采用同样镜头的90 IS PRO流过口水。后来的S1 IS还忽悠哥们儿买过。现如今大变焦防抖的机子一大堆了,选择反而困难了。呵呵。S5拿在手里确实感觉不错,但是LD要求必须个头小,不然就不是口袋机了呀。所以就围着TZ3考虑了,不过一直没亲手试过。

    • 家园 S5应该更强点吧

      看过TZ3对比canon TX1,只比PP是TX1完胜,那么S5IS只会更好.富士的不太了解,不过10X的机器,没有个好的防抖,拍片的限制太多了,这个技术,我还是更相信CN的强点.

      • 家园 这几个都有防抖,比较难以取舍



    • 家园 为什么一定要10x的机器


    • 家园 S5 IS或富士的s9600
      • 家园 大家还是比较信赖专业厂家亚:)


        • 家园 好像富士的成像好一点


          • 家园 原来用过尼康也用过富士



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