
主题:【长期有效】收集原创朗诵作品及征集录音员(请勿跟主题帖) -- 绿野仙踪

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      • 家园 你有他们孝敬父母吗(作者:牧羊女 朗诵:绿野仙踪)(完成)




        今天早晨,我送两个维吾尔族学生去长途车站,他们的爸爸在车站那头等他们。这是兄弟俩,相差两岁,哥哥内向腼腆,弟弟活泼开朗,都有极强的自理能力,上个学期末,他俩曾做过让我吃惊的事情----才上小学一年级的兄弟俩,在全校收集同学们用过的作业本,拿到学校对面的废品收购站,换了5元钱。他们的爸爸也是盲 人,一家人靠政府每月150元的救济金和卖蔬菜赚来的一点钱度日。每学期开学,看到爸爸送这两个孩子来学校,我心里都很难受。爸爸几乎把口袋里所有的钱,包括一元一元的零钱都掏出来,可还是不够,这时候,爸爸总会用极为蹩脚的汉语可怜巴巴地说:“老师,我回去嘛,再想办法,钱再寄来。娃娃嘛,一定要上学。” 虽然他回去后通常就没有下文了,但我又怎么忍心让这两个孩子失学呢,总是自己帮他们垫上。今天早晨,我去学校接他们时,弟弟亚森手上拎着一个大塑料袋,我问,这么大的袋子里装着什么呀?他们犹豫了一下,低着头说:“两本语文书和字板字笔,还有…… 一点生活用品。”在长途车站候车室等车时,我又看到了这只袋子。让我没有料想到的是,袋子里除了书以外,还有一只塑料袋装着昨天学校发给孩子们的月饼、旺旺雪饼和一些小零食。对于孩子们来说,这些东西是很难吃到的,许多孩子昨晚就已经把它吃得精光了,可这兄弟俩……哥哥木沙以为他们做错事了,我会批评他们,就赶紧低下头解释说:“爸爸妈妈没有吃过,我们想他们也吃。”那一刻,我被深深地感动,我为自己能有这么优秀的学生而高兴,为自己所有的付出感到值得。我搂着兄弟俩,安慰他们: “你们做得对,我们有好吃的的时候,不能忘记了爸爸妈妈。”

      • 家园 穷女人和富女人(朗诵:心如止水)(完成)



      • 家园 秋天的童话 (作者: 一泓清水 朗诵: 糖醋兔子) (完成)





        关键词(Tags): #秋天的童话#音频
    • 家园 英语天地



      • 家园 狮子莱恩(一)(作者:绿野仙踪)(待读)

        A door was opened in the dark. Something round and red flew in with a beam of light.

        “Wow, a juicy steak!” Ryan stretched out his hands. His mouth was watering.

        “Pa!” The steak landed on Ryan’s face.

        Ryan took a bite and thought, “This steak is too tough.”

        “Hey, buddy! Why are you eating paper? This is a letter! ” Rabbit Cindy jumped in from outside the window and rescued the letter out of Ryan’s mouth.

        Ryan woke up with empty stomach and sniffed. There was no smell of steak only the light scent of rosin.

        “Dearest Cindy, thank you for waking me up from my steak dream,” said Ryan getting up from his bed. “I’m so starving though. I could eat a whole rabbit. Sorry, I mean, a whole French cow.”

        Cindy glanced at Ryan and passed him the letter. Ryan’s eyes sparkled as he was reading the letter.

        “It’s from Molly! She has moved to a small island and is inviting me to visit her!” said Ryan as he threw the letter and spun around the room in delight. “You remember Molly, don’t you? We all competed in the race. The tortoise beat you and Molly the squirrel beat me.”

        “Yeah, the slow tortoise won because I fell asleep. But you…did you fall in love with the little squirrel?”

        “Well, I have to admit.” Ryan shrugged. “I followed Molly because I admired her long furry tail. Lions do not have such beautiful tails, you know.”

        “Neither do rabbits.” Cindy added.

        “It doesn’t matter. You must come with me anyway.” said Ryan, “Let’s pack our things and leave first thing in the morning.”

        “Wait a minute,” Cindy said as picked up the letter and read it carefully, “It sounds as though the island is far away from here and there is a big river in between.”

        “Are you a sea lion?” asked Cindy.


        “Then I think we will need a boat and two life jackets.” Cindy told Ryan.

        (to be continue)

      • 家园 石头汤的故事(供稿: Franca 翻译:绿野仙踪) (待读)


        It was one of my favourites growing up probably because our class made stone soup for lunch one day to share with all the students. It was very memorable and a good lesson to learn. I think it would be a fun activity for the blind children.

        The Story of Stone Soup

        Once upon a time, there was a great famine and people took whatever food they could find and hide it even from their friends and neighbours.

        One day a wandering soldier came into a village and began asking questions as if he planned to stay for the night.

        "There's not a bite to eat in the whole village," he was told. "Better keep moving on."

        "Oh, I have everything I need," he said. "In fact, I was thinking of making some stone soup to share with all of you." He pulled an iron cauldron from his wagon, filled it with water, and built a fire under it. Then, he took an ordinary-looking stone from a velvet bag and dropped it into the water.

        By now, hearing the rumour of food, most of the villagers came to see. The soldier sniffed the "broth" and licked his lips "Ahh," the soldier said to himself rather loudly, "I do like a tasty stone soup. Of course, stone soup with cabbage – would be better."

        Soon a villager approached holding a cabbage he'd retrieved from its hiding place, and added it to the pot. "Excellent!" cried the soldier. "You know, I once had stone soup with cabbage and potatoes and it was fit for a king." Another villager went to her hiding spot and returned with potatoes.

        "And I have some carrots, which will add color!" said another villager. Others brought onions and mushrooms until there was indeed a delicious meal for all.

        The villagers offered the soldier a great deal of money for the magic stone, but he refused to sell it and traveled on the next day. The moral of the story is that by working together, with everyone contributing what they can, a greater good is achieved.







        不久一个村民便拿了私藏的卷心菜出来放到汤里去。“太好了!”士兵大喊,“我曾经喝过加了卷心菜和土豆的石头汤,简直可以给国王享用呢。” 于是另一个村民回去拿了私藏的土豆来。



      • 家园 白雪公主和七个小矮人(改编:绿野仙踪)(待读)

        Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

        Once upon a time, there was a little princess. She was named “Snow White” because her skin was as white as snow. Her mother died when she was very young.

        The lonely king married again. The new queen was beautiful but very jealous of the lovely princess. And as the years passed, Snow White grew even prettier.

        The queen had a magical mirror. Everyday, she looked into the mirror and asked: “Magic mirror, who is the prettiest one of all?” The mirror always replied that the queen was prettiest of them all. She was very happy and proud.

        But finally came a day when the mirror replied: “ Snow White is the prettiest one in the world.” The queen’s face turned pale with anger.

        “Take the princess into the forest and kill her!” The queen ordered her huntsman.

        The kind huntsman had to obey. He took Snow White to the forest but couldn’t kill the innocent princess. He told Snow White about the queen’s plan and asked her to run away.

        Snow White walked alone in the forest with fright. The woodland animals led the way for her to safety. Before dark, she saw a tiny cottage.

        “I have a place to sleep tonight.” She thought to herself as she peeked inside the tiny cottage.

        There seemed to be no one at home. Snow white saw a pile of dirty dishes in the sink and everything was covered with dust. There were seven tiny chairs, which indicated that seven little children must live in the cottage.

        Snow White entered the cottage with the animals and they cleaned the cottage together.

        Upstairs Snow White found seven little beds in a row. She was so tired and fell asleep on the bed.

        Meanwhile, seven little men came back. They were surprised to find the whole place clean and tidy.

        “Listen! Somebody’s snoring!” said one of the dwarfs.On timid tiptoe, they all went upstairs and saw the sleeping Snow White.

        “Why, it’s a girl!” the dwarfs cried.

        Snow White woke up. She smiled at the dwarfs and greeted them. That evening the seven dwarfs had the tastiest dinner. They were very content to have Snow White live with them.

        Back at the castle, the Queen asked the mirror: “Magic mirror, now who is the prettiest one of all?”

        “In the cottage with seven dwarfs, Snow White is the prettiest of all.” The mirror replied.

        The queen realized that Snow White was still alive. She decided to go to the cottage herself to kill Snow White. First, the Queen made some poisoned apples. Then she disguised herself as an ugly peddler woman. With only one bite of the apple, Snow White would die.

        The next morning, the queen found the cottage and hid in the trees until the dwarfs left for work. When Snow White saw an old peddler standing outside of her window with a basket of apples, she opened the door.

        “Sweet apples for a sweet girl. Would you like to try one?” asked the wicked queen in disguise.

        “Of course. Thank you.” Snow White took the poisoned apple and bit into it. Instantly she fell down on the ground.

        Some birds and animals saw this. They went into the woods and found the seven dwarfs. The dwarfs realized that Snow White must be in danger. They rushed home franticly.

        But it was too late. They came just in time to see the queen slipping away. They chased her until she plunged off a cliff and died.

        The seven dwarfs were heartbroken. They built Snow White a bed of glass and watched over her night and day.

        One day, a prince from a nearby kingdom rode through the forest and saw the sleeping Snow White. He fell in love with her at first sight. He knelt down and kissed her.

        Suddenly Snow White woke up! The spell was broken at the touch of her true love!

        Snow White thanked the seven dwarfs for all they had done for her and kissed them goodbye. Together, Snow White and the prince rode back to his castle and lived happily ever after.





















        “甜甜的苹果是专给甜美的姑娘吃的,尝一个吧?” 狠毒的王后说。








      • 家园 Youth(作者: Samuel Ullman 朗诵:绿野仙踪)




        Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

        Youth means a tempera-mental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

        Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust.

        Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living.

        In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young.

        When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.

      • 家园 龟兔赛跑(改编: 绿野仙踪 & Franca) (待读)

        One day,all the forest animals were gathered together to watch a big race. Tired of Speedy Hare’s constant bragging, Poky Tortoise had challenged Speedy Hare to a race. Most of the animals didn’t think that Poky Tortoise would stand a chance to win against Speedy Hare.

        Poky Tortoise and Speedy Hare were crouching at the starting line when they heard the starter’s gun. In a few seconds, Speedy Hare was already out of sight. Meanwhile, Poky Tortoise plodded down the track at his regular slow pace. He was far behind Speedy Hare but moving forward steadily.

        After running for a little while, Poky Tortoise was nowhere insight so Speedy Hare decided he would take a nap. He found a big tree at the roadside and lay down under the tree.

        “What a nice day it is! I like the warm breeze and this is a perfect place for a nap.” said Speedy. Soon he was fast asleep.

        Meanwhile, Poky Tortoise, at his slow and steady pace, inched closer and closer to the finish line. In fact, Speedy Hare was still snoring when the loud cheers from the forest animals woke him up.

        “Where am I?” he said to himself. Speedy Hare could’t believe his eyes! From over the hill, he could see Poky Tortoise was on the home stretch!

        Speedy Hare jumped up. As fast as a streak of lightning he hopped towards the finish line but it was too late. Poky Tortoise had just crossed over the finish line. The slow old Tortoise had beaten the cocky speedy Hare!








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