
主题:印度要请波音帮助把LCA收尾? -- 晨枫

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  • 家园 印度要请波音帮助把LCA收尾?






    LCA的新技术真是从头到脚,这不光是先进,而且是对印度全新的。气动设计、复合材料、发动机、航电、火控雷达、线控,都是从零开始。印度还胃口大,样样都要世界前列的技术,这个技术风险实在太大了。可巧印度对于技术风险的控制毫无经验,先前的track record也是很糟,LCA到现在再出点花样一点也不奇怪。

    关键词(Tags): #鹰击长空#纸上谈兵

    本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 LCA去年航展的飞行表演,大家能否点评一下?


      • 家园 不敢点评,说点感想吧



    • 家园 印度空军拒绝采购,LCA步阿琼坦克的后尘 




      出版物:报纸--The Hindu

      Online edition of India's National Newspaper

      Friday, Dec 05, 2008

      ePaper | Mobile/PDA Version

      主标题:印度空军坚持LCA要改进 IAF insists on changes to Tejas

      作者:Ravi Sharma

      副标题:LCA没有达到空军的最低要求It does not meet minimum air staff requirements

      副标题:LCA的Mk2改型发展后,印度空军将考虑I采购125架。AF will consider acquiring 125 more Tejas’ when Mk2 variant is developed

      副标题:LCAMk2因为引擎问题还要等几年。 Mk2 will take a few years because a new powerful engine has to be chosen


      BANGALORE: The Indian Air Force has categorically ruled out placing further orders for the indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), Tejas, with its current configuration.印度空军斩钉截铁地排除了进一步采购现行结构的LCA。

      In 2005, the IAF placed an order with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for 16 fighters and four trainers. The then Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee said a decision on an additional 20 aircraft was under consideration. But that plan has come a cropper since the overweight, under-powered Tejas does not meet the IAF’s minimum air staff requirements (ASR).

      The IAF decision though is not the end of the road for the Rs. 6,000-crore LCA programme. It will consider acquiring 125 more Tejas when an improved — Mark 2 (Mk2) — variant is developed. As indicated by an IAF committee in 2004, any further order will be subject to the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), the designer and developer of the LCA programme, showing “firm visibility that the aircraft will meet the ASR.”

      Recently, the IAF even made a few suggestions on improvements in Tejas Mk2, including a more powerful engine, optimisation of the aerodynamic qualities and weight of the aircraft and “dropping and replacing” certain parts to take care of obsolescence.

      Tejas Mk2 will take a few years to fructify, the biggest challenge being choosing a new powerful engine. In December, the ADA is expected to issue a request for proposal to General Electric for its GE F414 and to the European consortium Eurojet for EJ200, in a bid to procure 99 engines (with an option to buy another 49).

      Once the engine is chosen, fuselage modifications will have to be carried out, flight tests started and evaluation undertaken. All trainer aircraft even after Tejas Mk2 rolls out will continue to have the present GE F404 engines.

      Cold weather trials

      On the LCA programme, the ADA is getting ready for ‘cold weather trials.’ They were to have been conducted in 2007 but were not because of questions about the aircraft’s reliability.

      Two or three aircraft are scheduled to leave for Leh on December 8. Cold weather trials include landing the Tejas at Leh, one of the most challenging airfields in the world, and ‘cold soak’ when temperatures are around minus 15 degrees C to see if the systems on board function normally.

      Slow pace

      The IAF is also worried about the slow pace and quality of work at HAL. More so, because it will not be able to deliver by 2013, as scheduled, the 20 aircraft for which orders have been placed. Defence Minister A.K. Antony recently said the Tejas would enter squadron service by 2011, which date, according to officials, is highly optimistic as hardly 10 or 12 test sorties are now being undertaken. The IAF expects the final operational clearance for the Tejas only after 2012.

      • 家园 还真是这样啊!


        他这“世界上最严酷的低温机场”Leh的温度才零下15度,那加拿大空军岂不全该冻在地面上了?零下15度,要是有太阳,那是拖出躺椅sun tan的日子啊。呃,这个说得夸张了一点,不过零下15度怎么也算不上低温试验的,当然,除了在印度。


        • 家园 LCA起而不飞,全赖西西河。





        • 家园 看来他们准备把LAC重做了,



        • 家园 EJ200与F404的尺寸好像基本上差不多

          EJ200长4m,直径737mm,而F404-GE-402长3,912 mm,直径889 mm,用EJ200替换F404应该不算太难,主要是管线的配合问题。


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