
主题:【原创】水太凉(一) -- 光明女神

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      • 家园 瓦特,居然还有三?



      • 家园 呵呵,聪明的女人总是让男人相形见绌,犹豫不决。



      • 家园 原来这个故事还这么新鲜啊


      • 家园 。。。。。。。
      • 家园 .
      • 家园 忍不住借佛之口说声:放下





        • 家园 X先生真是很温柔体贴啊
          • 家园 其实一直在送花





            • 家园 莫谓吾言之不预

              况x先生也曾说过,accept it and live with it,right?

              So,just do it. Accept it and live with it.

              • 家园 好,不预则废

                If you feel being offended, why not just block my ID? That’s my recommendation.

                I had expressed my sorrow in private and also did it in public upon your request. I don’t know what to say if that didn’t help much.

                Let's move on...By the way, I will take whatever you say and accept it if it can ease you pain.

                • 家园 Can't understand you feel sorrow

                  for what.

                  If you feel being offended, why not just block my ID? That’s my recommendation.

                  I had expressed my sorrow in private and also did it in public upon your request. I don’t know what to say if that didn’t help much.

                  Let's move on...By the way, I will take whatever you say and accept it if it can ease you pain.

                  It's me, who's being humiliated, again and again, at this topic and that one, even without any reason. All these were done by YOU. It's ridiculous for the wrongdoer feels sorrow instead of sorry to the innocent. For the two words have too many differences between each other, it's hard to persuade me to understand it's just a typo. However, I guess japanese may feel the same. I have to say, that it doesn't seem to be an acceptable attitiude to me, also to all we chinese, no matter how wonderful the other words are.

                  You used to chase me among all the boards and to take all the chance you can get to pique me in public. When you made that decision to do that, you had to prepare for any reaction it may cause. May I remind you that chance to stop had been offered for times? You ignored. And now, as a fair play, it's my turn, Mr. Horn. All what I do is to remind you what you have said and done to a female.If you feel upset, pls remember it's result from you yourself.

                  BTW, I'm really astonished that you prefer to reply in English. X先生 is much more obscure than Mr. Horn, I think.

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