
主题:【原创】帮女老师拆雨篷,意外得奖学金20万大元 - 怪事天天有, -- 寒塘冷月

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      • 家园 确定是大学

        Singapore Institute of Management 是新加坡管理学院,SIM University 则是新跃大学。

        新跃大学。注意建筑物上面的红字,清楚写着:SIM University.



        Economic Development Board (经济发展局)是全官方机构。SIM University 应规范为非教育部直辖的政府大学较为贴切。


        SIM began in the Management Development Unit of the Economic Development Board in the early 1960s when Singapore was aggressively developing the nation into a commercial centre and manufacturing base. It was formed on 28 November 1964 as a not-for-profit membership institution with the mission of developing Singapore’s human resource capital.

        During the early years, SIM offered crash courses in management disciplines for senior managers and for supervisory personnel. After launching its first formal management education programme – Diploma in Management Studies in 1973 – the Institute’s portfolio grew to incorporate a wide range of diploma, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes in partnership with more than 10 established international universities.

        With its experience in running continuing education programmes for working adults, SIM was selected by the Ministry of Education in 1992 to run the Open University Degree Programme in Singapore. In 2002, the OUDP was renamed SIM Open University Centre (SIM-OUC) when SIM was granted accreditation by The Open University of the United Kingdom.

        In January 2005, Singapore’s Ministry of Education granted SIM approval to form SIM University. That year, SIM was also restructured to enable SIM University to be governed and managed separately. SIM University was formally registered on 14 April 2005 and will commence with its first student intake in January 2006. SIM University has taken over the existing programmes and student enrolment from SIM-OUC. SIM University will continue to manage its partnership programmes with Beijing Normal University for all its Chinese language courses. For more information on SIM University, visit its website www.unisim.edu.sg.

        • 家园 不是

          新加坡大学就三个 国大nus 南大ntu 管理大学 smu

          sim 跟他的邻居 易安 poly 是一个档次的。

          我老早就注意到它的门上写的 university,很奇怪的说。


          • 不是
            家园 是不是大学,应以新加坡教育部的规范为准。

            In January 2005, Singapore’s Ministry of Education granted SIM approval to form SIM University.

    • 家园 深挖狠批, 花
    • 家园 感谢记者揭发一起丑闻!


    • 家园 南洋理工大学这么容易进去? 活见鬼了。



      新加坡政府理工学院并不存在,那么究竟是哪所学校录取了张孟苏呢?何卫星告诉记者,他也不知道录取张孟苏的确切校名,“ 张孟苏说歌手孙燕姿也在那个学校读书,估计是南洋理工”。对于张孟苏被新加坡的大学录取,何卫星老师说这个消息他也只是听张孟苏说的,何卫星本人并没有见 到过相关录取证明。

      “新加坡高校低调,不愿意承认和声张这个事情”?活见鬼了,干吗不先看一看录取证明,然后打电话到该学校核实? 这样的老师培养出来的学生,离周老虎的素质不远了。



      南洋理工大学的排名比复旦大学还高,张孟苏进得了复旦吗? google 一下,活见鬼的事儿会少些

      Times Higher Education - QS World University Rankings 2007 - Top 100 Universities

      69 NANYANG Technological University Singapore

      85= FUDAN University China

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