主题:【文摘】来自一个高速交警的忠告(强烈推荐) -- qianglu

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    • 家园 出门在外,安全第一


      • 家园 re 出门在外,安全第一

        That is so sad to attend two funerals within several years. In fact, if drivers could pay some attentions to observation, it will greatly reduce the probability of accident. Most of the accidents, particularly those happened in highway, are caused by lack of observation or making mistakes, instead of driving skills.

    • 家园 我跟一个有车的同事说:高速路上发生事故,一定要离开路面


      • 家园 re 高速路上发生事故,一定要离开路面


        What he said is reasonable. Slow moving object in high way tends to be hitted easily. Other cars cannot kill one if he stays in his damaged car.

        Anyway, it depends. Just be careful when one steps out of the car and moves for the shoulder.

        • 家园 我还是愿意冒着被撞的危险下到路肩上,


          • 家园 下到路肩

            It depends. Obervation is important. Walking through several lanes could be dangerous. Just not simply jump out and run. There were a family trapped inside a car in some highway. The members stepped out of the car one by one for shoulders, and they were all hitted by those rushing through cars. Staying inside so called 脆弱的好像纸糊的 car, in fact, is more or less safe. At least a car is much larger than a walking guy. Moreover, at night, flashing light could warn those passing by cars something ergent happened there. In case some blind drivers cannot find it in time, hitting from back simply damages the car. With the fasten belt, the driver still has high probability to survive.

            • 家园 是的,下车之前一定要观察周围的情况


              • 家园 杀手就是大货车

                True. They are absolutely killers. Hitted by them, one does not need any funeral. It would be good to look around and check whether the car is easy to be seen. It is particularly dangerous if the car is broken on a downhill slope, which make the driver difficult to observe.

      • 家园 呆在车里非常的危险


    • 家园 顶一下


      • 家园 有不少人虽然有本却很少开车,遇到意外情况很难处理好

        I knew a girl who claims she has a driver licence in China and knows how to drive. She asked me for assistance when she was buying a car. After the title transfer, she wanted to drive back by herself as a road practice. I let her drive inside parking lot as a warm-up driving test-make turns, change lane, signal, and brake. What amazed me is she virtually does not know how to drive- she was worse than a drunk driver. I don't know how many funerals there could be if she would have driven that V6 car back that day.

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