
主题:文革是如何演绎成一场国难的 -- 潘涌

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    • 家园 对文革的看法差距就这么大



      Is that true some guys might know more about the background of that movement than normal people. Like in a gamle, some gamblers are aware of cards in other people's hands, thus they know how to tip the scale to their direction. In other words, they have courage to gamble and know how to show cards. Or, some others estimate they have no chance to win the game. So they simply idle away on their own. Like Zhao Ziyang in 1966 in GuangDong province, he collected all stamps, which are sigmbols for authorities, and throw them to young guys, not even did a small resistance.

      • 家园 Yes, you are right.

        Politicale struggle is the same as playing cards, and needs to know each other.

        • 家园 Politicale struggle


          Pan Ge, in fact, your writing is really thoughtful, and does remind me a lot of things.

          It happened I fall into the age caterogries, of which people are aware of those old stories about Cultural revolution, Lin Biao to some details- at least, most of the afermath of LinBiao are quite clear to me.

          Be honestly speaking, I couldn't totally understand tricks in those games until I myself had quite similiar experiences in States- I would like to call it a game for surviving, or gamble for survive, from which I met quite some people who failed in the game and have to quit their intended career. The game participants are all competitors without any friendship, without any mercy - showing mercy could be easily taken advantage of the competitors.

          The political system anywhere, is more less like a mafia. As soon as one chooses politician as a career, he enters the mafia gang. So he has to obey the rules. The whole process of that revolution, could be precisely explained by the mafia fight among several big politician families: M, Liu, Zhou, Lin, and some families else such as D, Gang of four, and Hua.

          Ever since M established his leadership in the mafia community, he got used to enjoying serving as the godfather of the mafia community: he held a string, and let other leaders, such as Liu, Zhou, Lin, and D dance one by one on the string to the rhythm he liked.

          However, along with accumulting of successful experiences on mafia bussiness and increased public credits, Liu was no more satisfied with his dancing role: dancing to the rhythm made by other. So he started to struggle for the right of holding string. He extend the power of his family and controlled the most of fields of mafia community.

          M was godfather, not a fool. He realized Liu's plan, and couldn't help with Liu's move. What made him more angry is he found he was not even able to sell his religous pamphlets around his house. So he called for Z and Lin and discussed with them about the servere situation. It happened both Z and Lin didn't get along with Liu either. They also realized the ergent situation. However, Z and Lin all had deep root with gunmen. Thus, with strong support provided by gunmen, M succesfully fought back against Liu, and started a revolution toward Liu. He totally smashed the mafia system built by Liu by calling up common people all over the community. During the old system smashing process, the majoriy of people were in fact innocent about the whole picture and true stories, however, they followed Mao's call, and sincerely participated the movement of pushing down Liu and his deputies at each levels in the community. The fights are extremely violent as well as booldy. Only a few guys out of them, like QDF understood the situations quite well at very early time, because they had experienced of such gang fighting: you were hero because you were useful. You were kicked off reckless once you became an obstacle in the way or turned to be useless. The entire picture of the fights in community was very funny: People debated against each other, and fought against each other brutally. What was rediculous was all happened under the name of in favor of M.

          Liu was pushed down finaly, however what came along with the success over Liu is not only happiness: normal people's life were totally messed up, and the mafia community was paralyzed. What's even worse was Lin and his highly educated son started to hate the idea of dancing on the string held by M, because they thought M's rhythm was not only of out of fashion, but also too crazy. More people would fall down from the string and got killed if the game countiues. So they plotted to make an attempt to remove M from the string holder position.

          However, Godfather was a yellow hand of mafia fighting. M succesfully scared Lin's family to flee by air, and invented a name for Lin's family: the rebel of whole community, thus it eliminated to the best of the aftermath effect of vanish of Lin's family in the community.

          M gathered a lot of new guys from the movement under his banner. However, they were too simple, and sometimes too naive. Some of them were even over-aggressive. Besides, M didn't believe in Z, but he couldn't kick him down. As a way to ballance those the new families and the old families of the gang, M re-used D, who used to be the secretary general of Liu family, and was kicked down previously along with Liu. D was a gifted mafia man and had ideas about running mafia bussniess. Besides, he had rich leading experience of gunmen and was able to let gunmen do their jobs.

          Actually D did good jobs after picking up his new position. he let people work and gave them sugars. Thus he gained quite some credits after a short time. However, he pushed it too far, and touched the bottom line of M... The story is very long and one cannot cover to tails.

          In short, all the people who preferred strong leadership, like M tended to like holding a string and letting other poeple dancing on it to his rhythm. Every person in his game functions as his cards. He used Lin and Zhou to crack down Liu, and kicked him out of the game forever. He simply kicked down D and kept him away frmo the game, saving him as backup cards in case of game going out of control by new guys. He used all those new faces cards to fill in Liu's space to ballance Lin. He burned Zhou somehow when he didn't collabrate with him. He is really a master of playing cards. Finally, he used Zhou to crackdown Lin and its men. When new faces won't follow him well and fought with Zhou too firce, he pull out his backup card D. Once he was certain that D had intention of going back to Liu's old track, he immediately kicked him down again and pull out another reserved card Hua to take Zhou's position after Zhou's death, out of expectation of all families. In this game, nobody has absolutely stable position. and he has to follow M closely and sincerely.

      • 家园 做事如打牌,出上一两圈后就应该明白,


        • 家园 game theory

          It might help you to figure a big work about those gambles happened in Chinese history. All those big guys appeared in the political stage of China, were all gamblers. They in fact could be called a good gambler because they fought to last minute of their lives, no matter M, Liu, lin, Zhou, Hua, who was just gone, or gang of Four. For gamblers, no mercies, no love, all those through their lives are games. They were born for games. Either win the game, or lose life for the game.

          • 家园 Very good writings.
            • 家园 Thanks!

              I might get a chance to visit your bar. So we can talk about your ambitious plan of writing works about Chinese history over that time, or extract some userful experiences for new generations. We are gonna vanish eventually, and it would be good if young people could learn experience to the best facts. By the way, I work on applied maths and statistics, and might be able to help you with your plan of quantifying gamble rules for Red Palace during 1949-1979. Also, I am a professional programmer.

    • 家园 送花

      Flower 潘Ge

    • 家园 这句话何解?


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