
主题:【原创】三鹿事件的一个疑问和一个担忧 -- 抱朴仙人

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            • 家园 The point is

              Alarm's precious good old boys finally did sth they should do,

              Which does not make up for their negligence and the devestating consequence, does not make them more forgivable.

              And this definately doesn't give them a moral high ground whatsoever.

              The thing is, we as citizens are obligated to scrutinize our government, and we should be in possession of this power, those officials should have to answer to our calls. On the other hand, we as individuals simply don't have the financial & political resources to help said group of farmers. No Authority can force milk down our throat, not even in the name of saving the poor.

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              • 家园 I agree with you, but

                I don't think you get Alarm's point.

                we should have the power, and we also should know how to use the power efficiently, so we need find what the government did right and what they did wrong. This is what Alarm want to say, but he spoke the good point by bad word, and lost in the argument.

                • 家园 The thing is

                  We don't have the power right now, and I don't see CCP "grant" our power any time soon.

                  Since we can agree on Democracy (Civil Society whatever you call it) is the way to go, I guess our individuals should be prepared to reclaim our power and accompanied duty. We should learn how to use this power wisely.

                  BUT how? In the world "other side of the story" usually means rumors, urban legends; critical decisions always made behind the curtain, and all we can see is the unanimously "harmony"; our rages, our appeals are vastly depreciated; our tragedies, our babies' suffering are systematically down-played; Oh and the Party is never Wrong, it's just not Right enough from time to time.

                  How? don't you think it's an unreasonable expectation on us? don't you think it's a "chicken & egg" problem? don't you think until then "the Skill of People's Power" is just "屠龙之术"?

                  • 家园 That's the difference

                    If the government didn't grant us any right, how do we know sanlu's fomula is poison? how do you know "rumors, urban legends; critical decisions always made behind the curtain"?

                    What I said doesn't mean we have enough right, doesn't mean the government did something right or good enouth in this event either, that just means at least we can push/bite them do better next time.

                    The right, it's not only yes or no, but also worse or better.

                    • 家园 Here is the real response^_^

                      Should I praise Lord for not letting the big brother take my saving grace away?

                      Should I feel warm & fussy knowing our omnipotent government is not that almighty (i.e. haven't found a efficient enough way to probe my mind)?

                      Probably not. And I bet you'll agree with me.

                      People don't and will not have absolute power (perhaps should not I might argue), and even slaves can't be stripped off every right, effectively.

                      Of course we have some right, we have a certain "benign" amount of free speech also. China is NOT The Hell (yet) like some sinophobic media portrayed for crying out loud. So what? it doesn't make my argument weaker, it doesn't make my statement any less true. After all it's not you or your opinion I'm disagreeing with, it's Alarm's.

                      It's his extremely "forgive & forget happy" attitude toward the Government's behavior really bothers me. It's his cold blooded (and deliberately repeated) speech regarding those 5% of the babies consume SanLu milk powder as primary nutrition source really pisses my off.

                    • 家园 Apparently I was Wrong

                      No Authority can force milk down our throat, not even in the name of saving the poor. http://www.ccthere.com/article/1797334

                      It turns out our benevolent government can and do enjoy some SM scene alright.





                      • 家园 Did I say you wrong?

                        What I said doesn't mean we have enough right, doesn't mean the government did something right or good enouth in this event either, that just means at least we can push/bite them do better next time.

                        So, nothing right, we need bite them harder.

                        Bite is right also.

                        • 家园 Honey, my last post

                          is not a direct response to your latest post.

                          And btw, if you found my posts in English kinda hard to decipher for my pathetic writing skill, I can use Chinese you know. Just give me a word.

                  • 家园 您这英文写作是怎么练得啊。。太羡慕了
            • 家园 m


          • great.
            家园 Bureaucrats are more

            insightful, more sympathetic, more noble coz they actually did their job to protect our poor herd of farmers.

            How touching!

        • 家园 人家只负责悲情激愤


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