
主题:【原创】送给孝子:骨质疏松 -- 虽远必诛

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          • 家园 你既然说是最重要的,就要有证据






            • 家园 呵呵,这个证据不容易拿出来的



              Women who had "late fertility" - a birth at age 45 or older - were 14 percent to 17 percent less likely to die during any year after age 50 than women who did not deliver a child after age 40. That confirmed earlier studies. But those studies did not determine if the women gave birth later and lived longer because of genes or because of social and environmental factors such as good nutrition or healthy living.

              Brothers who had at least three sisters, including at least one sister who gave birth at age 45 or later, were 20 percent to 22 percent less likely to die during any year after age 50 than brothers who had no "late fertile" sisters. That indicates what earlier studies did not, namely, the same genes may influence the lifespan of both sexes and women's ability to give birth at older ages.

              Late motherhood boosts family lifespan

            • 家园 多胎妊娠会导致骨质流失更快


              • 家园 这个学的倒是快

                a prospective study of bone mineral density (BMD) in 38 women during their first full-term pregnancy until 12 months postpartum. BMD measurements at lumbar spine [L2–L4 (LS)] and forearm [distal 33% (RD) and ultradistal (RUD) region of the radius] were made within 3 months before conception, after delivery, and at 6 and 12 months postpartum. In mid-pregnancy the DXA examination was carried out only at the forearm. Patients were grouped according to duration of lactation as group I, II or III (0–1, 1–6, 6–12 months respectively). During pregnancy there was a significant difference between baseline and delivery (p< 0.001) in the LS, RUD and RD BMD values. In group I there was no statistically significant difference in LS BMD between visits following pregnancy. The RUD BMD loss was recovered by 6 months postpartum (PP6). Group II showed continuous bone loss from delivery until PP6 at LS and RUD. In group III the LS BMD loss continued throughout the lactation period. The RUD BMD dropped (4.9%) until PP6 then increased by 3.0% as measured at 12 months postpartum (PP12). There was no significant change in RD BMD in any of three groups during lactation. At LS bone loss between delivery and PP12 correlated well with the duration of lactation (r=0.727; p<0.001). We suggest that calcium needed for fetal skeletal growth during pregnancy was gained from maternal trabecular and cortical sites and that calcium needed for infant growth during lactation was drawn mainly from the maternal trabecular skeleton in our patients. The effect of pregnancy and lactation on the maternal bone mass was spontaneously compensated after weaning.

                The Effects of Pregnancy and Lactation on Bone Mineral Density C. More1, P. Bettembuk, H. P. Bhattoa and A. Balogh osteoporosis international 2004,04






                • 家园 假定此研究的对象是机器人,那么可能的推论当然是




                  Many centenarian women have a history of bearing children after the age of 35 years and even 40 years. From our studies, a woman who naturally has a child after the age of 40 has a 4 times greater chance of living to 100 compared to women who do not (6). It is probably not the act of bearing a child in one’s forties that promotes long life, but rather, doing so may be an indicator that the woman’s reproductive system is aging slowly and that the rest of her body is as well. Such slow aging and the avoidance or delay of diseases that adversely impact reproduction would bode well for the woman’s subsequent ability to achieve very old age.

                  New England Centenarian Study

                • 家园 这个新闻肯定没有经过临床数据收集阶段


                  Late motherhood could hold the secret to longevity

                  "The baby boomers of today are doing the right thing by having children much later - because the evidence is that the later you produce children, the longer your life span will be," said Dr Dawn Skelton of Manchester University, a leading authority on ageing.

                  She tells a television documentary to be shown next month: "After 30, there is a dramatic reduction of the oestrogen hormone in women. By leaving it longer before having our first child, we're giving ourselves a big burst of oestrogen, which helps in many ways - muscle, bone, nervous function."


                  Dramatic rise in fortysomething mother

                  Later motherhood holds benefits as well as drawbacks. Older women find it more tiring but it also seems to bring longevity.

                  • 家园 这种商业报纸的报道,没有任何临床价值

                    要看在专业期刊上的,尤其是知名的期刊。如果cochrane review 说的,那么就可以作为定论了。

                    • 家园 你这个定义很狭窄,但人生苦短,等不到



                      In their studies of centenarians, Perls and Fretts found that a surprising number of women who lived to be 100 or more gave birth in their forties. These 100-year-old women were four times as likely to have given birth in their forties as women born in the same year who died at age 73. A study of centenarians in Europe by the Max Planck Institute of Demography in Germany found the same relationship between longevity and fecundity.

                      Why Women Live Longer than Men


    • 家园 花了再推,回复也花,我就是彪悍,带刺的玫瑰
    • 家园 我认为最好的保健方式就是人在太阳下运动



      • 家园 这两个病都讲过了,您可以看以前的帖子
      • 家园 您可以选择自己认为对的方式

        所谓的 patient's choice.




        至于说颈椎骨质增生-- 叫颈椎病比较准确,是颈椎的退行性变化 degenerative change。

        同OA 是一样的, 只能控制,无法根治。



        • 家园 谢谢你的回答,可有个问题


          颈椎骨质增生-- 叫颈椎病比较准确,是颈椎的退行性变化 degenerative change。

          同OA 是一样的, 只能控制,无法根治。



          • 家园 老化,不是老了。

            所谓的aged and aging(著名的期刊,关于老年病的)。



            一:先天因素 genestic factors



    • 家园 学习了



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